(Retrospect Presentation) November 2022 ~ Extended Fasting trial experience (40+ hrs) Trial #1

This is the first of the two (2) so far early trial(s) I documented on late November 2022. This also still includes my ongoing practice of CKD+IF – the IF component being that as weekdays of LCIF 18:6 to 20:4 formatting. Each day constituting minor caloric deficit, alongside up to 4x semi-fasted to fully fasted training windows, with and without any post-workout supplement(s).

As anticipated – I hereby disclose my fullest apology. Throughout many obligations overlapping, and outstanding amidst them all my ongoing content re-writing, manuscript full rewriting as part of the entire re-branding of this concept initiative, as well as also the entire website redevelopment ~ I could not under any possible chances to have completed producing, editing, recording these all in a more timely fashion. I am producing this at length to accompany the written blog article I previously released in late 2022.

The disclaimer(s). You are your own willingly indemnity. And ~ this is not asensationalism frequency channel. The increasingly pretentious face-value Youtube #Shorts style presentations are not and likely will not be, in any time “soon” ~ be in my radar of interests.

  • 00:00:48 ~ Intro context and structure of this presentation. Disclaimer.
  • 00:02:45 ~ Retrospect commentary on Friday’s 20-24 hour mark.
  • 00:05:00 ~ Saturday 12th Nov 2022 ~ 38.5 hour commentary.
  • 00:05:45 ~ Possible sleep disruption quality.
  • 00:07:15 ~ Pre-workout & intraworkout disclosure.
  • 00:08:00 ~ Glucose & Ketones reading.
  • 00:20:55 ~ Saturday 12th Nov 2022 ~ 7PM onwards – refeeding windows + FULL TIME STAMPED EATING EVIDENCE.
  • 00:23:00 ~ Next feature meal (dessert incentive)
  • 00:25:00 ~ possible concern = heartburn unease like symptoms. What I used to mitigate.
  • 00:28:00 ~ Sunday 13th Nov 2022 ~ 4 PM next feature meal (savoury)
  • 00:29:30 ~ Sunday 13th Nov 2022 ~ 5:40PM Next meal as carbohydrate dessert incentive.
  • 00:31:00 ~ Sunday 13th Nov 2022 ~ next feature meal
  • 00:32:00 ~ Sunday 13th Nov 2022 ~ Last meal.
  • 00:33:55 ~ Thank You.



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