Part 1: Summary
Starting with the good ~ we have blogging content updates.
I have finally decided to share a little of “About me”, in four-part feature series. Somewhat difficult to write. Not because it’s too “personal” or unshare-able (bearing in mind I do have my own threshold). But difficult ~ in its mounting obligation, considering this initiative’s is nearing its ten years.
By then, it is only inevitable that I will have to share and also clarify on possible misconceptions out there about me.
And highlighting my own challenges as a content creator.
I don’t think I consider privileged by any means. For context, I don’t drive a Tesla®. I don’t have investment properties. Nor do I own $500+ worth of health gadgets ~ real time glucose/ketone monitors etc.
I have never been affiliated (nor have I been approached) by any “brands”. Promoting $50-$100 AUD weekly worth of organic, free-range foods is frankly, not in line with the more frank theming of this entire initiative.
This year has had many concerns.
Most obvious ~ the update of my circumstance surrounding “privacy”. Writing ~ is now the only avenue for me keep this initiative going ever since I’m settling into my own home earlier this year.
I’ve started another Self-Meta feature, this time on Vitamin A. Prime reason ~ my ongoing symptoms of AS (ankylosing spondylitis), ranging from uveitis and most visibly – inverse psoriasis (right underarm) may involve Vitamin A in all of this. Still slowly reading through the 400+ page Extinguishing the Fires of Hell by Grant Generoux ~ I am likewise still overwhelmed by all this nuance. My experience from exclusion and reinclusion thus far does not seem to paint anything convincing, at this stage.
Then, there’s “Lesser of Two evils” series. This is for both educational and consolation writeup to determine which of any two select food(s), be it expired or sub-optimal are still valuable.
Long list of collateral responsibilities however remains piling. I am still in the middle of rewriting most of my feature articles to ensure readability.
Then ~ there’s The Book rewriting progress. It is slow but steady. The visuals side of things however are still an enormous challenge. Try picturing yourself coming up with imagery for 400 pages worth of text-book reading.
So that wraps up the “better” news. At least in terms of content side of things.
What about me in general?
I save the negatives later (soonish).
On general surface, Cylical Keto+IF (CKD+IF) calories on weekdays revolve around 1700 being lowest to 2400 if I am feeling rich. Hovering towards 55% fats, 35% proteins, and 15% Carbs ratio, I have also tinkered with honey, sweetened condensed milk and fruit jams as calorie based sweeteners.
My carbohydrate allowance days are now capped to mostly just one and a half. Following from last year, I am maintaining my overall days of IF to effectively 6 and half, to seven days.
What the above means ~ 18:6/20:4 on all weekdays then 18:6 on Saturday and 16:8 on Sunday. On Saturday I continued fasting from Friday as usual 11;30/11;45PM till post workout and breaking the fast as carb allowance period from 7 / 8PM till 11:30~11:45PM. Then on Sunday ~ it’s 16:8.
I am happy to say that throughout this year, I am increasingly confident at is causing these regular gut distension. So far, less fibre intakes = much less episodic “swelling” in the intestines. Increasing water intake also helped in this regard. But morejust for being complacent to “healthy” dogma isn’t good either as it predisposes more mineral loss. I also tend to look more “puffy”, as a result around later part of this year.
My calorie intake during weekdays hovers between 1900 to 2100. Carb refeeds though now I call it as “allowances” which cater anywhere between 200-350g of net carbs intake on typically 36 hours (except sleep) ~ hovers around 2800-3500 cals.
Chiefly among changes was obviously the carb-based sweeteners, usually sweetened condensed milk. At a net carb of 50~55g per 100g, I take anywhere up to a full tablespoon. Sweet without anxious for more.
Surprisingly, what I thought was more than reasonable at upping my overall daily net carbohydrates to 60 or even 70g in a typical LCIF 18:6/20:4 ~ my fasting (19-20 hours give or take) glucose reading did not overshoot too much. In many days it looked more or less the same if I were to use calorie-free sweeteners.

On training I have been incorporating what I call “stress coordination work” on the senescent muscle groups ~ laterals, obliques and cores.
I no longer think it is possible to train all seven (7) days per week. Although I still do this from time to time.
Fasting Glucose (LCIF Weekdays) test results
Click here download my glucose test results for 2024 >>.
Unfortunately, I apologize that there have been errors I couldn’t decipher / remedy from my end. The software I was using (“Lifesmart management system”) for some reason screwed up the “year” label to “2008”, instead of 2024. As to how or why this happened, yet alone “2008” was chosen, was beyond me. Worse, the software spewed out errors when exporting the pictorial / graph output in PDF format similar to how Abbot’s Optimum Neo looks.
The last I ever wanted to do, end of year exhausted and still with ongoing other obligates ~ was wrestling further bugs, errors and all.
Lifesmart® has been my go to meter recently due to their lower cost strips compared to Abbots®. But something has got to give I guess, in trade for this with bugs, errors and extra hassles of recreating all results in spreadsheets.
Supplementation wise
I had to revise some things in respect to the mysterious flank pains I have been having (introduction below and more details on the next part).
Of the newest things I’ve experimented ~ Vitamins B1 and C (high doses). It Vitamin C I believe I have to pay some attention.
Vitamin C is one of those supplements I very rarely, if ever, supplement in high dosages. Although this year from June onwards, I did attribute some improvements on general stress composure. So I decided to experiment between low (1g) to high (<6g was the highest) during fasting windows, and at various occassions – pre/intra training. I started off with Voost® effeversecents, chewables, before then finally investing in ascorbic acid 250g pouch.
I have also revisited Magnesium Oxides, Vitamins B1, B3 and B6 as I believe each play a roles at managing, though not entirely resolve these flank pains. B1 did help address slowed-gut emptying that I have been experiencing as of late, but thankfully not that I relied on more than a few days at a time. B6 is, just like Vit C ~ may need careful attention as it might be easy to overdose among cheaper Magnesium Oxide supplementations.
Were there problems? Absolutely.
It all started upon finishing extended fasts (40hr+) in mid October, that these constant pain began. Lower left of middle quadrant. Still to this very day.
I have detailed these for the next part. But for now, here is a summary on top what of the above.
I thought it was all oxalate sensitivity, because after all the feature meal in that 40+ hr extended fast involved heavy amounts of it.
These mysterious flank pains, resembling oxalate like heaviness (followed by spasm on back of my ribs, triggered even by simple events as coughing & sneezing) ~ persisted throughout mid/late October onwards .
Believing that my oxalate sensitivity may play a role ~ I decided to stop all suspecting supplements. First and obviously the Vitamin C experiment. Then longer term (1+month) Vitamin D abstinence, for the very first time to see if it did alleviate the pain, but later somewhat dubious as the months went on.
I found that symptoms improved upon first week and quarter after my own interventions / exclusion of suspect supplements. But strangely creeps in again in more painful ways that led months of frustration.
Could it be my worsening or (awakening, somehow) symptoms of AS / anyklosing spondylitis? There is so much to talk on this it is not practical to disclosing them all here.
Others & Concluding Thoughts
The biggest elephant in the room ~ the entire book rewrite and the website redevelopment are both still sadly, in progress. Though the latter – in terms of “styling” of the web is more or less satisfactory. It is simply the content writing, that I’m struggling to find the time for.
I suspect some are anxious for not ably understanding why ~ I am still unable to regain confidence to speak in front of camera. My reason: privacy.
See my prior October 2024 article. As a cliff summary – I detest being prejudicial against anyone. But living next (or at least close proximity) to problem public housing tenants, have been a blight on me, day to day. Counting to almost a year.
Stress and anxiety(s) wavered. But this year did prompted me some frank dialogues surrounding my industries. This, I don’t like sharing in detail as I am aware what very few people in my work vicinity, may have already stumbled accross this website, in some way, shape or form; consequenting opinions (or perhaps prejudice/s) about me what I do outside of “work”.
Finding lost time becomes increasingly both art and science. But here is my hope another year to unfold.