Updates to the Glycation End Products Manuscript (V1.03)

These updates (V1.03) may seem minor at first. But helps clarifying the where and how ~ Glycation manifests towards their “Advanced” or the “End”/Final stage of oxidation products.

Download the latest iteration here.

What’ new? Version 1.03


Re-adapted flowchart of AGEs formation / Entirely new Overview

So far, enlightening for lay readers the mechanistic origins of Glycation End Products ~ have been a very difficult task. Considering the numerous pathways, models, or mechanisms sharing many confusing interrelationships from one to another.

Whilst working on the next book ~ I have taken the time (patiently) revisiting these subjects. Discerning any similarities between the various models, mechanisms or pathways. Though admittedly not all ¬ due to limited indemnity and comprehension. Please acquaint yourselves with the professional indemnity declaration subsection.

After much reading I shortlisted down to just three (3) sample model pathways on where and how Glycation products may be initiated, through:

  1. Maillard Reaction (concerning sugars+amino acid),
  2. Poly-OL (concerning exclusively fructose), 
  3. ….and Lipid Peroxidation (concerning exclusively fatty acids)

Why “only” three (3)? I believe basing them from three macronutrients ~ is easier for anyone to relate to as an introduction. Allowing them to start “broadly then deeply specific” acquainting with this complex subject.

Rather than diving straight specifically into dozens of model pathways yet forgoing the “bigger picture”. There’s Heyn Products. Before then ~ “Hexosamine” Pathway,  “Namiki” Pathway, “Wolff” Pathway, “Hodge” Pathway, and the “Bacterial” pathway; all these remains yet to be comprehensible in plain language.

The 3 sample pathways; re-adapted diagram
The 3 sample pathways; re-adapted diagram

I have designed a flowchart to accommodate the above three models.

As re-adapted  from existing research in willingly concordance to Creative Commons (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0).


New subsection “Is Glycation a flaw or feature ~ of biology?” Info on salt intakes

Oxidation and Antioxidation mechanisms is part of Glycation, nonetheless. Inevitably ~ accepting this as “reality” is difficult enough for splitting hairs.

I have therefore written an “assurance” section under the Further Discussion chapter. To hypothesise whilst there is much more that we “do not know” ~ we “can” remain humble to accept that Nature is never black and white.

In addition a small subsection on salt. It may yet seem trivial and frivolous topic but surprisingly there is little if any ~ findings on how salt impacts on Glycation. Here I propose various hypothesis from however few literature/s mentioning these to date.


Thank you

As however “minor” update this post implies ~ this took a near full month writing, reading, and line-by-line critique round the clock. Amidst carrying daily blues of Structural Violence.

This concept initiative now nears its five years of lone existence at imploring free self-awareness education towards decentralised Nutritional Science. One of its goals remains firm and clear – sentiment dichotomy (moralism good vs bad tug-of-wars) is unconducive and self-defeating. The longer one digs through this rabbit hole of “what” or “how” constitutes “Health” ~ exponentially requires both physiological (and psychological) ~ acrobat.

A journey never to be threaded lightly. The longer we scrutinise scientific dogmatism, by keeping a poker face ~ the wiser and more authentic we shall become. At constituting each of our own pragmatic reason ~ “Why“.



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