This Is™ 2019 parent branding re-extension (part 1/2)

View the first of the two feature re-extension here @ Behance.

A massive re-extension to the entire parent concept branding initiative. 100+ hours of yet another manic episode.

If you are new to this channel, please acquaint yourself by Starting Here. The parent branding This Is™ Humility – is a concept work of fictional “branding” identity, however since 2015 it is continued by on-going, not-for-profit efforts of periodical refinements of its rationale. The Book – Humility Through Frugality – and this blog – remains since 2015 as the non-fictional “activist” arm of this branding initiative.

Left: previous 2017 Right: new 2019.
Left: previous 2017 Right: new 2019.

2 sections – branding and packaging sample(s)

This re-extension is split into two (2) parts. The first is to feature the branding identity and its design print collateral itself. The second – entirely dedicated to sample packaging of product(s). I can assure hours worth  of reading, viewing and contemplating – on why I needed to revamp this parent branding altogether. Beyond mere “design exercise” or yet another “portfolio item”.

The full rationale and context of this parent branding initiative remains viewable and open for reading at my website ( and their specific page/s (

sample typography styling
sample typography styling

Glad to say it is finally complete. Or at least, first of the two part. Oh wait, there is still my AGE-s Book project.

Thoughts and viewerships welcome.

Self-Authenticity over majority,

AW™ /


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