This is another “Sneak peek” preview of the re-writing progress as part of obligate major rebranding + entire manuscript overhaul. Here I enlighten for readers the concept tenets and thematics since this initiative’s beginnings throughout 2016/2017. These may at first be mistaken as mere “marketing” gimmicks. But hopefully for those with a little patience can find, or derive various meanings relative to his/her own nuanced circumstances.
Due to level of nuance, this is split into two parts. This is Part 1 of 2. Strictly WIP.
Live-It-Forward, AW.
Chapter Three: Concept Themes & Tenets.
This chapter aims to enlighten various concepts, themes, and/or messages that may at first seems unnecessary amidst health and fitness channels. However many book(s) on dieting or “healthy” eating focuses too much on objectivity. “Do this X, then get Y, then repeat” and often lack contemplative exercises.
This concept initiative hence strives to distinguish not only at purveying scientific literatures, but also to initiate dialogues for holistic (philosophic and scientific) awareness.
Before we proceed, a disclaimer here remains warranted out of both humility and honesty, that nothing, including any “philosophical” concepts throughout this concept initiative were ever proclaimed in anyway “new”, “original” and/or “visionary”. Considering that Philosophy demands yet another nuanced academic devotion(s) ~ any or all as such, intends to remain as general and/or surface interests only.
And finally, should readers have any pre-existing faith, belief, alignment, or certain political spectrum – they may or may not find any influences here potentially confronting. Irrespective, This Author (AW) remains impartial in all his stance(s), with no intent whatsoever to engage in debates prone to social violence or alienation.
Having disclaimed the above, we shall proceed.
What is Philosophy?
Context and indirect influences.
It’d be a disservice and some may say, downright disrespect to academia, were This Author (AW) to not credit any school of thought portraying as much relevance, if not just as much importance ~ on top of the already complex nutritional science. That ~ is Philosophy.
For the unacquainted, the many branches(s) of Philosophy may be loosely categorised ~ as either Eastern or Western. The first dominates as spiritual side of enquiring, and thereby more introspective. Where as the Western concerns the more reflective actions out from the individual’s surround(s) ~ objectivity, tangibility, as cause-and-effects.
Existentialism, in addition to a few other branches of Philosophy ~ was the most appealing to This Author (AW), despite only learning at surface level. He found it appealing for the encouragement to enquire against norms and/or all prevailing narratives, especially throughout Nutrition, health and wellness. Therefore, stemming from all these ~ inspired proposing his own tenets towards holistic (scientific and philosophic) autonomy.
So far the following school(s) of thoughts were indirectly referenced as influences:
- “Authenticity” / Das-Sein (Heiddegger / Phenomenology / Ontology / Existentialism). The need to self-authenticate, self-distinguish ~ by “being” (from the German word “Dasein”) one with the self, remain conscious with the self, and remain disillusioned / free from external distraction(s) (Sugrue, M. 2021).
- “Objectivism” (Ayn Rand) ~ self-survival, self-contentment, self-pursuits.
- “Nihilism” ~ an admissive view that life’s many content(s) remain subject to emptiness, alongside rejection of common / moral values be it social or religious.

What is Existentialism?
In both hopeful and simplest definition ~ Existentialism concern many frank dialogues, chiefly among them individual(s) own questioning of self-existence, ~ the why, in the hope to seek any meanings behind all “incomprehensible” forces of nature (Peterson, J. 2017). Forces to name a few ~ entropy/dis-orders, or disarrays, suffering, frailty, despair, depression, inflammation, damages, disasters, misfortunes and so on. All the above influences nonetheless converge, as one may argue ~ into the same Existentialism canopy, as each provide their own hypothesis to help readers both contend and navigate their own challenges and obstacles.
Certainly, as one expects ~ “answers” or “solutions” to any one of the above likely remains a black box that may not be entirely answered (or answer-able) within realms of Philosophy, alone.
One may argue such a search demands studying towards Epistemology (the study of Knowledge), Theology (Religion) and before all the technical and scientific realms ~ Biochemistry, Neurology and Psychoanalysis, to name a few.
Given these overlapping nuances; many Existentialists, whom are among the most notable ~ Pascal, Heiddeger, Satre, Nietzsche ~ relied on crafting unique concepts and terminology(s) to name a few ~ “Thrown-ness”, “Amor Fati”, “they-selves”. As readers may or may not be aware these are likely received as esoteric, difficult to interpret and to relate to.
Despite the above receptions, This Author (AW) nonetheless remain understanding that the above three concepts, though only as surface examples – all remain a part of intrigue by enquiring and reflecting on nature’s own nuances. For instance – the enquiring of “why” we are involuntarily being placed, or “thrown” into the world as we know it ~ by randomness or probability towards a very certain fate, very certain attribute, or any other destined propensity, whatever it might be (Heiddeger). Then, the how we must contend against life’s dynamics by accepting (Amor Fati – the love of fate / Nietzche). And finally ~ taking ownership of our own live(s), by authenticating and/or transcending our individuality (Heiddeger).
What does This Book offer, by way of Philosophic consolation?
In one (or 2 words, technically speaking) ~ Self-Enquiry.
To slightly elaborate ~ This Author (AW) implores readers room for self-introspection by ways of making any attempt(s) to resist, against authoritarianism, and/or outside forces ~ be it entropy or coercion. Irrespective this demands curiosity. But curiosity requires “incentive” to be highlighted, and thus the following proposes our “to do” list ~ Identify, Chart, Enquire, and Execute.
- Identify ~ the incentive.
- Chart ~ the objectives.
- Enquire, and research ~ the logistics required. Question over coercion.
- Execute. Self journalling, self-experiments, trials / Authentication.
- There after ~ revise, reflect, repeat.
Obviously, all the above is not a be-all-and-end-all. As much of This Book revolves around the subjectivities of health and wellness – the final and end destination of what This Book proposes as “methodology”, “principle” and/or “strategy” ~ (Cyclical Ketogenic + Intermittent Fasting) remains a matter of individual responsibility. All readers therefore irrespective of familiarity and/or background ~ must willingly exercise their own indemnity before proceeding.
That concludes the first of the two part sneak peek chapter. Please stay tuned for part two.