2022 Budget Template Now Available

The 2022 Budget Template is now available online ready for use.

Download it here.

Please note that this is in Microsoft Excel® Online format. You will need to make a copy to your own Microsoft® One Drive account.

For those who are new to this template, using it is as simple as:

  1. Setting out the budget level per week limit (it is currently set at $25.00). Conditional cell formatting is set here so that any values that is beyond this limit will be highlighted in red.
  2. Seventeen (17) item entry maximum per week.
  3. This entire year is split each as six month segments; into two sheets.

By default, I have used “Wednesday” as the day as both start and end for each weekly reporting cycle. You are welcome to change this to another day of choice, by changing the very first reporting week heading (cell #A18). However keep in mind that this may require tinkering elsewhere as the number of weekly reporting may no longer be containable within monthly segment as either four (4) or five (5) reporting weeks.

I am providing bar charts to represent visual trends overtime. The average % per month indicator shows whether your expenditure are over, neutral (the same) or lower compared to the last reporting month.

If this template next to the Self-Journalling tool is in anyway helpful, I’d be appreciated if you can submit any feedbacks and/or thoughts down in the comments below.




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