(Sneak Peek Draft) “So how do I actually individualise this WOE / way of eating my preference, needs or circumstances?”

PUBLIC LIVE DRAFT The following is a sneak-peek draft Answer to a feature Question; for the pending Manuscript entire re-write and rebranding to sufficiently complete. Live-it-forward  ~ AW.

So how do I individualise this way-of-eating to my preference, needs or circumstances?

This question seems “easy” on the outside but require more thought the moment one puts them into action.

One may argue the answer might already be apparent in the question itself.  “My preference”. “My needs”. “My circumstances”. At first, they sound objective, concise and straight forward.  But here we’re examining these that from a more pre-informed angle, in the hope it may help assist one how they should make changes to their current Way-of-eating (WOE).

Firstly, Defining “Individualisation”.

Individualisation” in this context of health and optimisation ~ refers to autonomous decision, that is ~derived by, and called upon, and carried out by the self -to adjust, or to tinker towards a desired result or intent. From insights both objective (quantifiable – eg. biomarkers) and subjective (intuition / surrogate barometers of wellbeing ~ sleep quality, training fitness, psyche, composure, etc).

The question here is the “~isation” part. Grossly re-simplified here – should all individual(s) be individual-‘ised” by others’ cumulative influences?  This might be a contentious topic.  But boiling it down ~ statistics likely favours safety by way of favouring certainty by observable patterns or trends. That as readers may already know – prohibits the holistic or the very “organic” learning experience by preventing mistakes, if at all.  

So who or which is “more correct?”? Should we rely on others or from our own? Arguably both are necessary.  Insights, irrespective guided or self-discovery, establish anchors for which we base our individual decision.

The question is who shall be the gatekeeper? “The self” is key here, on the basis of pre-informed insights.  Unpacking this further, “pre-informed” one may argue ~ is self-discovery of our own trial and errors.

If there is no prior pre-informed insight,  be it no metrics, nor anything quantifiable or even holistic subjective experiences which we can draw or infer from ~ then it might be worth inviting others ~ their share of guidance(s) or method(s) to help collate these findings.

Any findings or “inputs” is after all  better, than nothing at all. Hence, coming to a more pragmatic actionables hereonwards ~ are two (2) possible ways on how we can address our decision making to individualise – our way of eating.

Two (2) possible “routes”.

First is simply looking at the results (biomarkers or nutrigenomics) and assess their relevance with surrogate conditions. Or  alternatively – a (repurposed) SMART criterion approach.

The first approach is arguably most “intuitive”, and what This Author (AW) resorted, throughout his years of his own scrutiny. Here, we simply reflect on current insights both objective metrics and subjective (surrogate markers ~ feelings of well being, sufficiency, satiety, psyche/composure, and fitness / training sustainability). Then look  ~ for any suggestive actionable(s) or suggestions by a third party (if any) among these insights and/or rapports. Then evaluate  ~ their relevance to what we feel. 

  1. Observe the results first. These could be the objective sides – statistics, numbers, bio markers, Nutrigenomics phenotyping,  etc. 
  2. Reflect the intuitive / surroundings, second.  Introspect, with existing surrogate markers. Sleep – Nutrition sufficiency / satiation. Psychological composure – emotional and stress handling. Training / fitness ~ sustainability, and recoverability.

Evaluate and assess their synergy by logic. Do they “make sense” with our own day to day – motion of living?    

If somethings adds up, but not in others ~ scrutinise. Cumulatively, we would have enough evidences to base and inform how we should make changes or alteration on this WOE / Way of eating from there onwards.

An alternative we have left is the SMART criterion. This provides a map of questions, to help us chart our decision.

Very similarly ~ with our  Selecting a diet Phase / Stage – here we are slightly rewording the SMART acronym. More or less similar in their intention in this context of helping basing our decision to change or not to change ~ existing way of eating.

  1. SPECIFIC ~ am I changing this diet or nutrition – to any specific basis or reasoning? Do I have a readily or intuitively ~ specific reason to make this alteration over a period of time?
  2. MANAGEABLE ~ am I able to manage or maintain this overall plan of prospective changes, overtime?
  3. ADAPTABLE ~ in turn, am I able to adapt to more unforeseen circumstances, if any that may arise?
  4. REALISTIC ~ Are these actually doable? Am I confident making and living with – these changes? Can I contain or “damage control” any unwanted events? If so, on the topic of contingents ~ what supplements if any would I need to consider? And;
  5. TIMELY ~ in retrospect from all prior months (or years) of “dieting” or exclusion / reinclusion experiences – am I comfortable at staying patient?


In all realms of health and wellness, that change is ownership.

“Change” is not one way ticket towards one (1) experience of positive, without negatives.

Which ever way or “route” one base their decisions to individualise as him or her ~ one thing is certain. Revise. Reflect. Repeat. 



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