Rationale & Counter Argument = The Case for using Third Person in Communications.

For many years I adopted a far different approach, as an author and Youtube® content creator over how I self-identify & present all accounts, history and experiences through Third but not First ~ person mechanics.

By second nature, it is easy to expect all this delivered in the conventional first-person. However, I decided to present a case for distinction, to hopefully establish mutual empathy among the skeptics.

TLDR; try not to judge anyone by how they communicate. You may at some stage experience the same involuntary pressure(s) to identify yourself in a manner (or “perspective”)  least imploding to your’s very own ~ solitary circumstance and aspiration.

Important Note & Disclaimer

By all obvious means ~ this method of self-identification may not be appropriate for ALL contexts. This presentation never assumes this as readily acceptable in all social exchanges. Hence  it only assumes in the context of producing stand-alone feature dissertation(s) or Youtube® content-creation such as “video essay(s)” and the like

At the end, I shall admit that, in conjunction to my biggest announcement of 2021 & 2022 on the entire Rebrand of Nutritional Humility™ – this approach will and may face significant change in order to conform for accessibility.

Irrespective, a coin of your thoughts means the world to me.




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