This is the first of the two part series on my first ever nutrigenomics consult taken earlier this year of 2022.
Due to exceedingly overlapping obligations, demands of the rebrand, the rewriting of my entire manuscript, new web design and development challenges, and on top of it all – writing new content as continuing pledges I wholeheartedly apologize for this delay and untimely arrival for those who are angst or worse – speculate my forfeiting / inactivity simply at my own laziness or will.
Your patience is always humbly appreciated. Since 2015 (and many years prior as its accounted initiations), I resort to absolutely no third party assistance nor oversight as I pooled everything, from what you see, and read across not just one but two (2) books entirely by my own hands, curiosity and relentless enquiry in-between philosophy, economics and alternative nutritional experiences.
Live-it-forward and I sincerely hope you derive many pragmatic insights out of seemingly humble, lay yet driven enthusiast in nutritional science.
AW /
- To maintain NDA / non disclosure agency and to serviceship – no actual names of the consulting agency, practitoiner and/or laboratory collector will be displayed throughout this feature article.
- Note that this article write up is a prospective featured YET to be finished in more detail for my next major YouTube presentation. Unfortunately this is only possible once the rebrand of Nutritional Humility™ alongside completely new website is sufficiently complete by my own hands. Meanwhile, this article is envisioned to act as a pilot article to ease all visitors’ angst for yearning new insights.
- Nutrigenomics is highly individual and may not constitute in and of itself, absolute “guarantee”. Beware of their costly and tremendous obligations on you and your’s onus – to understand and pursue month(s) if not year(s) of ongoing research and if needed be ¬ further testing depending on your own results and circumstance.
- As reminder – this N=1 insight much like others before it remains never in anyway prescriptive over anyone’s existing clinical supervisions. My insight are my own, and certainly does not suggest the same for anyone else.

Nutrigenomics. What, how and Why.
Firstly, what is nutrigenomics? In layman yet enthusiast terms – a study and consultation practice between practitioner and client over biochemistry implications in view and lens of nutrition, often in semanticised terms for concise languages ¬ at explaining what your genes currently (and/or possibly future) foretells against all risks of mortality.
Timeline of service expectation and costs breakdown
Please note that this does not constitute the same for all nutrigenomics consultancy Australia wide. Below is the entire timeline over what to expect, in terms of overall service delivery with the cost that one is willing to invest (describe next):
- Client extensive questionnaire
- Client onboarding
- Initial consult, with the $99 AUD pre-requisite fee. Alongside, additional costs for follow up consultation length (should you proceed with DNA collection kit).
- 30 minutes $50
- 45 minutes $99
- 60 minutes ¬ $150
- An offer by the practitioner to select for you the best and/or most relevant package of genomics testing. You must answer either Yes or No.
- If “yes” ¬ you hereby agree to proceed to make downpayment of $300AUD for DNA collection kit.
- If “No”, no further consultation shall take place.
- One month is required for adequate research, documentation and report writing to be completed, this is also taken into account the time it takes for the specimen to be delivered for analysis (which in my case ¬ had to be delivered to the eastern states).
- Follow up consult then begins. You will be only allowed the time length you specified and agreed to settle the payment previously.
- Consultation finishes. The practitioner will hand you over all printed collaterals, and the reports designated to the nutrigenomics package you’ve chosen.
So why exactly, does one need nutrigenomics consulting?
The present climate amongst nutrition health and wellness remains continuously perplexing, conflicting and often times morally divisive to a lay pedestrian. Ascertaining what “works” and what doesn’t arguably remains at times impossible for a general audience to take into terms with reasonable understanding. Nutrigenomics help bridge together nuances of nutritional science to that of the insights of a patient / client’s DNA genetics upon any said “diets”, specific food groups and/or supplementation appropriateness in plain semantic writing.
Due to their esoteric demands amidst non mainstream health practitioners industry, Nutrigenomics are often costly. And as a possible disadvantage (more which is only reserved at a later section) – may not ably address an individual’s concerns at length which consequents repeated consulting if needed be at his/her own expense inevitably mounting to a large sum. However given their wealth of insight and reports given back to the client undoubtedly, places them the onus and responsibility to therefore willingly comprehend the nuances, pursue further enquiry and/or research and if needed be – obligated for secondary or tertiary testing/s.

Is Nutrigenomics for everyone?
This is a highly subjective question which the answer depends much on factors that are open for sensitive debates, which may not be appropriate to disclose as Nutrigenomics are highly individual and therefore exerts ~ individual, personal and in some cases – an emotional burden.
All arguments aside there are three (3) possible food for thoughts to help determine whether nutrigenomics is appropriate.
Firstly, besides from genuine enquiring on any preexisting conditions ~ is the dependence on prior degrees on self-investments towards research, curiosity and of all nutritional explorations and patience amidst scientific literatures. The more one accrued these prior self-accounts the less of adverse impact more over on the psychological side of things.
Secondly, the sheer degree of responsibility one has ~ as personal indemnity whether or not he/she is willing to contemplate the complex and nuance research at the time of debrief. There is a reason after all for one entire (1) month needed for the research, and for each report be completed thoroughly with academia overview.
These reports as I speculate – are less templated in many areas and instead, tailored. Just to give an idea, any single “report” based on a concern or category runs on average between 15 page all the way to 50+ pages. Adding all of these up, and especially if a “package” of tests are requested readers should anticipate up north of 100+ pages. In light of this – if readers are not in any way prepared to read or willingly undertake own rigorous research perpetually not just mere weeks, but months or even years post consultation – then they are likely receive these as not only anxiety-driving, but may also brew even more confusion.
The third and last confounding factor, which most people grossly undermine – is the financial decision. Beyond initial, DNA collection the entirety of the consultation + report-writing a list of obligatory further research, supplements, and list of actionable pathology tests all adds up considerably as on-going expenses. Also if additional help is needed for guided-interpreting on the results and/or that further dietary, fitness and exercise consultancy are needed these are also available, though variable from each service agency to the next ~ at additional cost/s there-onwards. Third party external services fees with another practitioners from another industry be it chiropractors, physiotherapists, herbalists, functional medicine, naturopaths etc ~ may also be involved.
So that concludes first section. Next comes the choice of my testing and the (few) results.