(Limited) Indemnity Declaration

Note: written in the third person perspective. Subject to periodical revisions for clarity, elaborations and/or updates.

AW / andrewwiguna.com hereby presents the Limited Indemnity declaration for hopeful freedom of expression without prejudice the limited powers and/or indemnity throughout this concept initiative, its Book or  “Parent Manuscript” (Nutritional-humility.me) 

Viewers are also encouraged to witness the  “About This Author” page  detailing his industry background. This Author (AW) solemnly thank you for your timely acquaintance.


Andrew Wiguna / andrewwiguna.com / nutritional-humility.me / awiguna1985@gmail.com

1. Context and Rationale behind this declaration.

This Limited Indemnity declaration presents This Author’s (AW)’s frank “credibility” limitations to nevertheless support its scientific benevolence for the discerning demographics it appeals within alternative realms of health & fitness. All without monetary incentive nor profit throughout all its Book(s) or Manuscripts, articles and/or messages this channel implore to its audience. All this is carried by its prominent thematic or vision statement as follows:

“Decentralised Nutritional Science; through the lens of Structural Violence and Economics.”  

The most significant “Rationale” behind this Concept Initiative’s sole existence is to distinguish itself amongst present peers of health or fitness reclamation channels. It contemplates not only nuanced discussion of alternative nutritional concepts or “principles” but also to promote open, scientific dialogues as distanced away from mainstream literatures, and mass-media sensationalism.

“Health” and/or “Wellness” advocacy channels today stems exponentially from so called “influencer” gatherings within Social Media. It is well-acknowledged questions may brew ~on what “basis of credibility” amongst these influencers have in terms of “competence” or “authority” at prescribing “advices”, “fitness routines”, “suggestions” and/or “meal plans” and the like. 

However, their intents, as what This Author (AW) nevertheless acknowledge ~ shared mutual outcome for its demographics to self-champion against hardships or turbulences of inaccessibility by way/s of adapting and adopting these alternative nutritional “principles”. However, it remains respectful such that it is not by any means a linear “prescription”; nor  intended to override any or all clinical supervisions. 

1.1 Themes for distinctions

This Initiative comprise of  two (2) main overarching themes for distinctions away from likewise similar contemporary channels to date : 

  1. Involuntary Structural Violence or Inaccessibility.  This is defined as involuntary frugality and/or sanctioned impositions upon any individual. This initiative not only share but examine effects from such prolonged involuntary and limited welfare subsistence. “Involuntary” – meaning without one’s consent.  And;
  2. Addressing our crisis of Scientific Authoritarianism, and crisis of authentic practice of Autonomy. Our “established”, or “conventional” nutritional science dogmatism ~ the “balanced diet”, “healthy eating template”, “guidelines”, “status quo”, and.or “Everything-In-Moderation” remains highly subjective and questionably paternalistic. This Channel implores alternative nutritional science concepts and/or principles to further its readers’ willingness to  inquiring “health” and/or “fitness” not just from epidemiological perspective of many, but ultimately by way of individual “synthesis” from various competing dialogues and thesis.  

To reiterate ~ this Concept Initiative and its Parent Manuscript has been initially envisioned as an indirect coaching encouraged for readers’ willingly adjustments for his/her “own” lexicon, definition, sustenance, of such “autonomy”. However, the many included “workarounds”, “ideas”, or “plans” are only envisioned to represent open-ended strategy, never as linear methodology. Hence, readers remains ultimately responsible for furthering their own research, on top of the hundred(s) This channel and its manuscript(s) have thus sighted.   

(Limited) Indemnity Declaration

2. Certificates / Academia.

This Author (AW) have completed the following certificate (“Graduate-Certificate” equivalents)  levels academia amidst relevant fields of Nutritional Science. Despite on going financial hardships, he has channelled however few gratifications towards these credentials. 

Please be advised that “Nutrition” certificates below already possessed many parts or sub-units on “food coaching” or “meal planning advisory”

  • Click here to Download completed certificate
  • Completed April 2017.
  • Completion score: 84.28%.
  • By Cadence Health Learning. 
  • Instructed by: Mrs. Leanne Cooper, BA (Psych/Ed); Dip. Nut; Grad Cert Higher Ed., Post Grad Cert Nut., Member APS.
  • Physical Activity Australia Points: 3 Registration Number: KAP1871
  • ANTA Points: 20 Registration no: N/A.
  • REPS NZ Points: 20 Registration no: N/A.
  • Specific “Food coaching” / “meal planning advisory” attributes/learning outcomes: 
    • Dietary Assesments
    • Working with clients
    • Food Coaching
    • Rights, obligations and duty
    • Professional Referrals
    • Duty of care
  • Click here to Download completed certificate
  • Completed August 2017.
  • Completion score: 100% High Distinction
  • By Beck Health Nutrition 
  • Instructed by: Mrs. Kristen Beck, registered nutritionist (RN042). BHSc, Post Grad Dip Nut, Post Grad Educ.
  • Australian Traditional Medicine Society Points: 40 CE Points.
  • Specific “Food coaching” / “meal planning advisory” attributes/learning outcomes: 
    • “Demonstration of the ability to tailor and sports nutrition principles to individual or group needs (eg. knowledge of special population groups in relation to age, cultural background, dietary preferences).”
    • “Knowledge of the limitations and inherent risks of providing nutritional advice plus an ability to identify when it is appropriate to refer to an appropriately-qualified nutrition, health and / or medical professional.”
  • Click here to Download completed certificate
  • Completed March 2020.
  • Completion score: Excellent
  • ByBrentwood Open Learning College Online (UK)
  • Signed by: Mr. Adnan Naseem
  • Specific “Food coaching” / “meal planning advisory” attributes/learning outcomes: 
    • “Discuss the role and importance of a Nutritionist in a society.”
    • “Explores the stages involved in the implementation of dietary advice and the consultation process.”
  • Click here to Download completed certificate
  • Completed April 2020.
  • Completion score: Distinction
  • By Centre of Excellence (UK)
  • Signed by: Mrs. Sara Lou-Anne Jones, managing director.
  • Specific “Food coaching” / “meal planning advisory” attributes/learning outcomes: N/A not applicable due to Theory course.
  • Click here to Download completed certificate
  • Completed end of May 2020.
  • Completion score: Distinction
  • By École Polytechnique (Delivered online by COURSERA)
  • Signed by: Mr. Mathis Plap 
    Directeur de recherche, CNRS Professeur Chargé de Cours, École Polytechnique.
  • Specific “Food coaching” / “meal planning advisory” attributes/learning outcomes: N/A not applicable due to Theory course.

3. (Limited) Indemnity – IICT

This Author (AW) is pleased to announce his indemnification registration approval with IICT Australia / International Institute for Complementary Therapists.  For full disclosures of what modalities are covered and/or approved please contact the author directly by reaching out to his  email (awiguna1985@gmail.com) alongside clear and relevant subject heading.

Irrespective of indemnity gratification,  This Author (AW) cautions that any nutritional “advice”, “suggestions”, “plan” or “strategy” as however suggested throughout this Concept Initiative, this Blog (nutritional-humility.me/blog) and that of the Parent Manuscript are not – by any means definitive overrides on any existing medical, institutional or terminal supervisions. Once again, this Concept Initiative remains entirely that as contemplative yet never prescriptive ~ dialogues for alternative explorations and experiences of alternative Nutritional Science.

4. Author’s Curriculum Vitae. 

Please visit andrewwiguna.com (under about >> curriculum vitaes). There, readers and viewers are free to download any or all the various curriculum vitaes tailored for specific formatting and industries.  

5. Authorship Evidence Authenticity. 

Click here to download the Original Authorship Evidence Declaration document. This document showcases proof of This Author (AW)’s earliest evidence of this concept initiative’s creation.  

Recently, This Author (AW) have surrendered to the public entire social media posts and repository contents of this Concept Initiative’s prior years (2014-2019). Within this post ~ an Intellectual Property declaration is provided, alongside this Original Authorship evidence for concrete evidence disclosures at stating This Author (AW) sole’s entrepreneurial beginnings on this Book and ultimately, This entire Concept Initiative. .

Thank you.

This Author (AW) hereby thanks you for your attentiveness and within hopeful remarks; confides your faith to empathise the above assertions. 

This Author (AW)  hereby maintains his stance at actively maintaining this Concept Initiative be it regularly revising its Parent Manuscript, its accompanying manuscripts, and to continually revise the variety of Tools and Resources it offer within and beyond: 

  1. Self Enquiry Journalling Tool 
  2. Food Budgetting Tool.


andrewwiguna.com / awiguna1985@gmail.com / nutritional-humility.me

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