— TRANSFERRED POST / January 12th 2016 —
There is no greater joy than seeing and holding something that only you have envisioned and developed for year/s entirely from your own efforts. The First Book Edition of Humility Through Frugality; has arrived. Whilst the second version for E-book already on its way coming soon – the journey is still far from over – as I am still busy also with the preparation of fully-self funded, self-directed video & motion graphics production to promote this overall project.
Throughout this upcoming video production I will show you the “way of life / a day in the life” outlook of what it means to live and embracing Minimalism and Frugality; in all of its true aspects for beyond just daily survival – but also to incentivise you – the listener and the viewers of this project – your own curiosities to live within your means.
Whilst everyone celebrated happy & full of joy for Xmas & New Year’s. There’s always someone out there who still ever worked hard to accomplish their own implicit goals. Only one however is different – in that he wishes to help for the majority to change and to live – for the betterment of themselves within their own means and effort whilst he too – still struggles to make his own ends meet.
I have and did finally made it into finishing the entire 220 page manuscript and actual custom layout for Blurb® Australia. The final PDF output was made on the 31st December, 11:23PM. The final click of order processing was done ten minutes before the end of the 2015.
After three long years; it is finally getting closer to that ever unreachable goal. That goal of informing you – as the prospective reader and audience of this project – to challenge yourselves to live within your means with awareness, persistence and humility.
The only question I would ever ask of you however is – will you ever wake up for change? A change that welcomes you on a path to realise the potential how you can live all the more concise, aware and wise – than the rest of the pedestrian, submissive normalcy around you?
This is a book not just about survival – but projects all sorts of curiosities, possibilities all from me addressing, examining and experiencing much of the troubling confusion/s and dilemmas surrounding the efficacies of the so called “perfect” nutritional dietary advices (from much of the descruction made by our Food Pyramid all the way to me prescribing my experience/s and personal suggestions on the elusively practised Ketogenic Diet and new, potential importance/s of the Blood Type Diet).

This is a book not just about survival – but projects all sorts of curiosities, possibilities all from me addressing, examining and experiencing much of the troubling confusion/s and dilemmas surrounding the efficacies of the so called “perfect” nutritional dietary advices (from much of the descruction made by our Food Pyramid all the way to me prescribing my experience/s and personal suggestions on the elusively practised Ketogenic Diet and new, potential importance/s of the Blood Type Diet).

Let your own curiosities drive you to experience/s you never ventured before; for all those hidden incentives are always waiting for your attention as well as your own discovery.
Through one meal, one weekly budget, one question at a time. Food Elitists; need not apply.
Please stay tuned and look forward to the upcoming second edition (now already in the works – Version 1.1) set for conventional PDF reading style between January and February 2016. This is a calling for change unlike any other.