Up and coming is my next side branding project in conjunction to my overall parent initiative This Is™ Humility. This time surrounding the visualised philosophy identity – Nutritional Humility.
This is a visual identity to visually encompass and embodies the educational / motivational self-awareness skill/s as written in my manuscript Humility Through Frugality™. Nutritional Humility embodies all there is of accepting and embracing – essential nutritional sustenance across an individual’s lifespan.
Nutritional Humility is a perpetual, whollistic life-motivation concept towards establishing nutritive sustenance based on individualisation with progressive awareness, revisions and realisations all towards one goal / one concept = Nutritive Individualisation.
By understanding one’s own volatile differences of metabolic and nutritive physiology against dogmatic normalcies. By assessing and self-analysing overall consumption habits right down to the core details. From calorie intakes to food sensitivities. From training regiments to seasonal fluctuation of overall health and fitness. From embracing different dietary regiment of one to another.
These are what largely constitutes Nutritive Individualisation – as the individual scrutinise each nutrient, each food, each coercion, each belief, guideline or dogmatic influences’ – its variable Contexts, followed then by his or her variable – recipient Interpretations.
As inspired heavily from philosopher Friedrich Nietzche’s famous last words – “There are no facts, only interpretations.”

Nutritional Humility is essentially speaking – the essence, or the spirit behind the entirety of my manuscript itself. Encouraging its few (if any) readers to realise greater nutritive awareness that all is beyond hedonic fulfilment – but also physiological homeostasis AND socio-objective pursuits. And most importantly to reconcile that “Science” is inevitably – an open book of variable interpretations.
Branding + animated logo pending completion / coming soon.