CODEX : Exclusion and Reinclusion Protocols

(Live Public Draft) I have used the terms “exclusion” and “reinclusions” a lot. But what are they and why I simply do not use the “fasting” for same inference?

General definition

“Exclusion” is exactly as it implies. You either reduce or eliminate intake of something. Reinclusion ~ is reintroducing what was eliminated or reduced.

This is similar to the famous concept of “Periodization”. Essentially, as it implies – “on/off”.

“Protocol” refers to strategy how you implement them. Allowing you to:

  1. Troubleshoot and/or highlight food sensitivities,
  2. Troubleshoot and/or highlight “trigger” foods,
  3. Macronutrient manipulations ~ eg. higher or lower carbohydrate. Higher or lower fats, Higher or lower proteins. At various time(s).

The above are only examples.

And that may suffice for the 99% explanation on what they are. How it is implemented – is obviously nuanced depending on the goal. Mine usually revolve around manipulating the three (3) levels of quantity(s) ~ None, low and high.

None ~ suggests no intakes at all. Low ~ lower than habitual or default intake. High ~ considerably higher than default intake. “Default” here refers to baseline intake.

Nathan Dumlao @ Unsplash
Nathan Dumlao @ Unsplash

But why “Exclusion/Inclusion”? Why not use “Fasting” instead?

”Exclusion” ~ encourages more specificity. Where as “Fasting” ~ suggests something larger, broad and more holistic.

“Fasting”, as most people generally perceive it – is widely referred to the eliminating of something very large. Where as to “Exclude”, suggests something more specific, granular or precise.

For example, “Dopamine Fasts” make sense because it instructs large abstinence from leisure activity(s) that is highly dopaminergic, in order to purposefully calm or unwind from excessive stimulation.

However if we were to say “Dopamine Exclusion” ~ that may not readily make sense.

The same likewise if one wants to “Reincludes Dopamine”. Substituting Dopamine with something specific, then it makes readily sense. Eg. “Excluding smartphone viewing time.”, “Excluding oxalate rich items” to name a few.

“Reincorporating” ~ is another way to look at it. It highly suggests something specific for us to implement or “reintroduce” certain foods or activities. If we were to say “reincorporate “feeding” ~ something here is missing, feeding what exactly – is the unanswered question. “Reincorporate “moderate glycemic carbohydrates.” on the other hand sounds more cohesive, correct and complete.

This might be the shortest CODEX articles written to date. And may seem redundant and unnecessary to many people at first.

However throughout this Initiative I remain obliged to explain various concepts. Many of which do necessitates their own explanation(s). This is one of them.

As we get to know what avenues or strategies available for scientific self troubleshoots, it becomes prudent that at some stage or that as we age – distinction between fasting (from something large) and excluding (something specific) becomes apparent.

At the end of the day it is arguably all about appropriation of lexicons.

How you fast and feeding depends on the large things you can control. How you exclude/reinclude – depends on the nuances you need to instigate. Making sense of all this  ~ is inevitably an individual undertaking.



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