Humility Through Frugality Conceptual DIY Pocket Book

Transferred Post 6th June 2015

Since last week I have been very hard at working as a promise to finish writing my next blog article (How to embrace humility through frugality V2.0) and as well as proudly to present to you my conceptual DIY printed book (Half A5) that accompanies with it. What is this book you ask? Well quite simply – this is a book; written in a simple frequently asked questions manner – of everything a reader would need to survive and to understand this way of life.
Why would I go through a such thing you ask? Well quite simply again – because I wish to share basic principles within life that anyone is yet to (again) – share with others the possibilities of marrying between budget, health and nutrition together in their day to day life. 


This book represents year/s of actual “lived-through” experiences of what I’ve gathered and learned much about living in frugality. And how it is possible for anyone else to do the same. Everything here is written in a linear, constant journey of frequently asked questions format from the general perspective of the wider audience/ demographics.

Those who have not ever thought it’d be possible to achieve living under such budget will be welcomed through this book with sincere welcome arms. Please submit your thoughts the following first ever finished draft as I have best prepared for you below!

Regards, AW™.

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