September 13, 2023April 14, 2024Methods, Thoughts Counter Arguments: for the Pedestrian Skeptics (Part 2)
August 19, 2023September 30, 2023Announcements, Insights, Methods, Start Here Self Journalling Tool (August-December 2023) Now available
August 6, 2023October 26, 2024Announcements, Insights, Methods, Thoughts Legumes: my stance on why and why not (2/2)
June 25, 2023December 16, 2023Announcements, Insights, Methods, Start Here, Thoughts Obliged update(s), and advance notices for the next month(s) ahead
June 4, 2023June 29, 2023Insights, Methods, Thoughts (Sneak Peek) “What are the mechanistic implications behind Intermittent Fasting?”
May 13, 2023May 14, 2023Insights, Methods, Thoughts (Sneak Peek) Segment of the Chapter “Biochemistry: The Basics” ~ Methylation
April 26, 2023May 2, 2023Insights, Methods, Start Here, Thoughts (Sneak Peek) Segment of the Chapter 4 “Learning Curve” ~ The Foundational Routines
April 21, 2023November 18, 2023Announcements, Insights, Methods, Thoughts Legumes: my stance on why and why not (1/2)
April 16, 2023April 16, 2023Insights, Methods, Thoughts (Retrospect Presentation) Nov 2022 ~ Extended Fasting trial experience (40+ hrs) Trial #2