Fasting. Authentication. Inquire. Repeat
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So I am obliged to provide for all an update on the current rebrand, and how things are going in terms of this concept initiative's direction.
So I am obliged to provide for all an update on the current rebrand, and how things are going in terms of this concept initiative's direction.

I am still facing technical difficulties. Mostly surrounding WordPress, very-long turn around help/support communications, migration issues, obstacles, troubleshootings, UX, UI and alternative staging methodology(s). All that on top of ~ the redesign and the hundredth page of the parent manuscript still undergoing intense scrutiny and rethinking.

This blog (and thereby its youtube® channel) overall remains much unseen; for however reasons you all know too well. The algorithmic preference for leveraging exposure based on sensationalism.

I wish to reiterate that, on top of my probationary employment still withstanding their outcome ~ much revolves around success and wellbeing of myself day in, day out. So far, while I am extremely grateful to have found such  opportunity - please kindly spare yourselves all a reminder. Not all content creators are as "free" as you'd think.

As a designer, I am not one to rush when it comes to personal projects. And likely so do yours; in case if you have something reputable so large, so significant ~ that failure is not an option.

I will not of course end this writing without a hint of apology. I sincerely apologize, therefore ~ from all the delays. I am soon trying to relocate, and re-establish my financial standing(s) ~ by end of this year. On top of re-claiming and re-establishing much over what I have lost ~ over five+ years of institutionalised welfare along its' stigma, and frownful remarks behind me.

If you look at me in person, in public you'd immediately knee-jerk with disbelief despite my ethnicity, education, work ethics and upbringing ~ couldn't possibly belong to the label "Dole Bludgers". I propose therefore a counter-question. See those reality TV shows about "life on the breadline"? Blonde hair and blue eyes genetics aside ~ I was (or used to be) one of these people; unbeknowst to public eyes, ears and empathy.

To provide context, I reside on the tiny, lower west portion side of the globe. Rising interest rates, cost of living, inflation just to name a few ~ I need not list all my frustrations off such institutions and power-that-be. Despite I still believe and I shall admit ~ any thriving society nonetheless require some centralized distribution be it resource, energy, security and most importantly ~ logistics and infrastructures.

What I do resent however, is when power becomes so malleably justified by consensus of a few ~ over anyhing they deem is "right", or justified ~ upon the masses of millions and billions ~ without question.


I cannot be more thankful that my circumstances are improving, though everything, as with any redesign or recreation of projects beyond "hobby" ~ remains a  treasure reserved without fail.

I have already long secured at least, the domain hence branding unregistered personal trademark of the new manuscript name. What that is of course I cannot disclose.

But rest assured. It is a "saying" all of us knew all along. Yet abused to the point of virtue signalling.

Until then, I wish you all well and safe passing of time. Fasting or not fasting. Rich or poor. Future speaks from past tensions.




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“Man is an animal that makes bargains: no other animal does this - no dog exchanges bones with another.”
~ Adam Smith
(1723 - 1790)