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Humility Through Frugality™ Version 1.4 / 4th Edition
Humility Through Frugality™ Version 1.4 / 4th Edition
This is an archived post specifically referring to this concept initiative's predecessor (Nutritional Humility / Humility Through Frugality) This is an archived post which may or may not have undergone further editing for readership accessibility.  Version 1.4 / 4th edition / April - August 2017 Manuscript is now available for Download. First of all, what can […]
  • This is an archived post specifically referring to this concept initiative's predecessor (Nutritional Humility / Humility Through Frugality)
  • This is an archived post which may or may not have undergone further editing for readership accessibility. 

Version 1.4 / 4th edition / April - August 2017 Manuscript is now available for Download.

First of all, what can I say. This must be the most exhausting, the most difficult, the most controversial, series of changes ever to be implemented throughout its intensive five-month long development. I would say with confidence this would have been the biggest revision since version 1.2. If not, leaps beyond "bigger" than previously thought possible.

With almost 37,000 words; rewrittenPlus many structure layout and content re-coordination to coincide with the parent branding pallette of This Is™ Humility and Nutritional Humility™. 

After (roughly) 500 hours over a period of five (5) months; it is now available for download. The updated motion graphics promo, with Behance® folio feature presentations on BOTH rebranded projects (This Is™ Humility & Nutritional Humility™) will soon follow.

Humility says hello to the world - Manuscript Version 1.4All mock renders with Apple® Motion 5.


Structure // individual chapter’s dedicated introduction & grid systems update attempt

Humility says hello to the world - Manuscript Version 1.4

What has been structurally updated also is that ALL chapters now have their own distinct introductory layout. This is a transition away from the previously conceptualised linear “chapter-less” style of reading. But having thought for weeks and month/s on end, I have decided to forego this altogether and instead adopt a conventional style of having a individual chapter distinct to its own introductory statement.

I have spent a great deal of time for almost one whole week alone - experimenting further grid modifications between Van De Graaf's method (with my extended margins) versus that of Rosarivo's Gutenberg Canon method. The result? So dubiously inconclusive. Such to the point I finally resorted back to the existing layout but this time; concentrating on further adjusting the justification settings to as evenly distributed to provide the most succint eye-travelling possible at a-sentence-level of justification; as opposed to previously set as paragraph-level. Hence, to those with very discerning eyes from the creative industry I do hope that I can rest well at night (hopefully) that this should be received well, in some proximity.

The merging of Ketogenic Nutrition section with the Extended  FAQs as One (1) Chapter.

A major content recoordination had to be somewhat done and dusted to pave the way for future modular updates.  The previously separate two chapters concerning on the overviews, history and FAQs on the Ketogenic intervention are now combined as one entire chapter - Ketogenic Intervention - History & FAQs. As opposed to two entirely separate chapters placed far away from each other.

Readers might be confused in previous iterations as to why the need to have had two separate chapters on the same overarching topic (Ketogenic Diet); especially when these are situated far away from each other (the first chapter on Ketogenic Diet as an overview was before the Wars Coercions and Realisations, and the other before Inspirational Media and Resources).

Humility says hello to the world - Manuscript Version 1.4

The reason for this original setup all along was to essentially “divide” the interest-span of the readers into two groups -  one whom are only interested in it as a nutshell or as an academia pique of interest or general curiosity....And the other – those who are already familiar, or aware and thus expecting nothing but new/unforeseen details, and nuances of its current practice.

Ever since this manuscript’s first ever iteration (back since December 2015), my intent was to ensure all readers for not being overwhelmed or being intimidated by the many fine, crucial details of this dietary intervention (Ketogenic and its variants). Hence some sort of “general curiosity” chapter was somehow needed to cater for the uninformed, general population AS WELL AS having another chapter entirely reserved for the seasoned enthusiasts.

However upon realising and reading the previous iterations over and over I am well convinced that this previous / divided structure strategy - make things all the more difficult and cumbersome for any prospective audience. 

The (everything so far) list of changes to the Manuscript

Finally, these are REST of the changes…(phew)....

  1. Every section now has their own introductory header layout. As a transition away from the original concept’s section-less non-linear reading, I have decided to forego this concept and instead adopts a conventional chapter by chapter navigation to maintain conservative readibility.
  2. To form in accordance and consistency to the typographic rebrand of the branding initiative This Is Humility - the manuscript’s Typographic selection limited to two family of selections: "Rajdhani" and "Asap". Approachable, Humanist yet Stern in all visual characteristics. "Geo"; being the former typeface for displays and headers; is now removed due to its readability issues amongst digits and numbers.
  3. New cover design to accomodate consistency of the typographic rebrand of the branding initiative This Is™ Humility.
  4. Once again in keeping with accordance to the typographic rebrand - colour scheme is now apparent throughout the manuscript. Yellow is by default - the highlight colour. Where as very dark grey or Dark blue, are the dominant complimentaries.
  5. 90% of all content revised and rewritten for periodical readability refinement/s.
  6. Added feature explanatory chart Nutritional Humility™. Please note that this is highly a condensed "summary" thus far and still subject for elaborations and visualisations in possible future manuscript revision.
  7. Added feature table THE THREE CONTEXTUAL ASPECTS. This serves as the over-arching emphasis of the book’s “softer” skills and theme in addition to Nutritional Humility™; guiding and explaining to the readers a highly condensed and illustrative concept behind Life; and their physicality makeup ultimately consisting of three Aspects: Objectivities / Meritocracies, Subjectivities / Physiologies, and arguably the most important and still is remaining the key backdrop of the entire manuscript - Leverages / Socio Economics.
  8. Added feature table and question what to eat upon onset of injury / illness. This is a highly reflective piece based on my recent adverse turn of events (from having damaged and torn an L5/S1 fluid annulus tear). Thus upon which I wish to share my strategy as a workaround to those; especially amongst the fitness and  health enthusiast circles who are injured or are in the midst of recovery period. PLEASE NOTE: this is by no means an absolutely and exhaustively correct list on what to do. If you are TERMINALLY ill or injured, you must make do with additional clinical supervision whenever possible.
  9. Added feature table Ketogenic Sustenance Timeline: What to expect. This is a personal outline and overview for those who are unfamiliar with the Ketogenic intervention as a “summary” over what to expect in a space of one whole year of practise. Summarising the cognitive, physiological and fitness / energy expenditure changes and effects upon the individual as he/she persists on a ketogenic dietary intervention. Please note that this is highly emotive rather than a concrete, technicality disclosure; as all based from the author's own resilient experiences across one and half years of SKD and to this day remaining - CKD and intermittent TKD account/s.
  10. Added feature table Ketogenic Interventions: Physiological Incompatibility. Understandably that (however few readers thus far) may expect; Ketogenic interventions may pose initial concerns and scrutiny upon a myriad of pre-existing conditions. Hence, a table is created to outline; ON A GENERAL NON EXHAUSTIVE LEVEL - a series of known concerns along with available citations to support their relevant issue’s authenticity.
  11. Added feature table Ketogenic Safe Foods. As a general, non exhaustive level - a chart outlining what to eat, what to limit and what to abstain foods for those persisting within a Ketogenic intervention.
  12. Added feature table Ketogenic Interventions - Types and Many Faces. Again, to visually help and guide those who are new to the intervention - a quick overall summary overview of the three types of interventions (SKD, CKD, TKD) along with brief rationale on how to discern between what is Low Carb and what is Keto.
  13. Added a feature table APO-E Genotyping by ethnicity & racial distribution. Ever since my earliest  awareness upon such implications of APO-E genotyping towards Ketogenic interventions in 2015-  I remained hesitant to actually share this table; for fearing that it proves little or no “usable” purpose to the reader. However times have changed and hereby I’m convinced of a need to show these as a readapted chart upon showcasing the APO-E gene statistical distribution by race and ethnicity. Please note however that these are highly subjective in their correctness hence; readers are highly encouraged to augment further research themselves outside the scope of this manuscript.  
  14. Updated list of weekly budget plan/s to reflect the latest seasonal and inflationary effects of pricing on various food/s across both dietary interventions (Standard Low Fat and Ketogenic).
  15. (Various) new photography on select sections.
  16. (For a bit of fun for a seriousness change) a feature table reserved for how to make protein fluff/s. There are two methods for achieving these - one using a blender and the other using a hand mixer method.


Closing thoughts for this manuscript revision
(4th edition April - August 2017)

Humility says hello to the world - Manuscript Version 1.4

This book after all; ever since its first submitted completion during the midnight (right on the dot) of 31st December, 2015 - was never meant to be a “thesis”.

It is a progressive “journal” that asks itself back to the reader this over-arching, seemingly benign question.

Are you living towards yourself? Or away from yourself?

Now available for download, reviewing and reception. No price tag, or Likes required.


“Man is an animal that makes bargains: no other animal does this - no dog exchanges bones with another.”
~ Adam Smith
(1723 - 1790)