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What is "Live-It-Forward"? A more self-affirming way of recprocating organic & biological experiences, compared to / rather than simply the hand over of arithmetics (Pay-It).

Welcome to Codex: a feature writeup elaborating the thematics, vision / mission statements of this entire concept initiative, since 2015.

What is "Live-It-Forward"?

A gesture intended to reciprocate life experiences as "Progress" ("Live-It"). Rather than simply forwarding one's "Debt" to another ("Pay-It").

"Live-It-Forward" ~ can be thought of as the needed-precursor before charitable transaction ("Pay-It-Forward") becomes possible. The "precursor" here refers to biological, organic, authentic, and inseparable ~ individual experiences that thus form that very conviction of living evidence of such a Progress.

Why "Live-It-Forward" ~ is more authentic than "Pay-It-Forward"?

The simplest of all rationale behind this concept, though only as an idea back since this Initiative's beginnings since 2015 ~ was to address the crisis of acknowledgement - or lack there of ~ amidst increasing digitisation of our human-to-human transaction, and/or event.

The following three (3) elaborates this rationale at highlighting why our current pay-it-forward gesture can be somewhat morally grey, confusing and may even be downright dismissive.

Eutah Mizushima @ Unsplash


"Pay-It-Forward" ~ feels very debt-imposing. And morally confusing.

Consequently, the receiving hands (or in this case ears) may be compelled to probe or question further ~where, what, and "how come" that this statement comes about.

Anxious, even. Considering that, as general context, very few people today are unconditionally charitable. Obviously, this is not a excess generalisation. "Faith in humanity" indeed potentiates from anywhere.

However in the very rare event a kind stranger simply signal (verbally) "Pay-It-Forward" ~ he/she may unknowingly, imposes a hint of confusion, obsession even among the recipient.

  1. "I feel indebted. How should I repay this?"
  2. "How should I repay you?"
  3. "Okay, so I shall <quote and quote> Pay-It-Forward. But how do I pay this forward to exactly? To who? To What? How and to what end?"  

Let's get one thing very clear and as disclaimer. By no means this is a critique against those who give, eg the "kind stranger" or the "good samaritan". It is simply being aware of one's choice of wording, that even though we mean no malicious, or manipulative intent ~ that this very common signalling ~ may indeed be interpreted very differently on the receiving hands. Patronising, even.

"What we say" may therefore, be interpreted very differently. As people are very, very sensitive to unconditional gratitude. Unless of course, if in the context  or scenario "beggars-can't-be-choosers", then one can wager the above anxiety would be less provoked.

Nevertheless we just have to remain conscious in our way of words. Be frank, sincere, straight, direct and of all, INTENTFUL in our message instead. Even if we do not know what to say. There is at-the-very-least one thing we can say. "Hope". "Here, I hope this helps.".


Pay-It-Forward are only instrumental as it is arithmetic.

Amidst social media platforms today, expressing gratitudes is as easy as a mouse click. People often use these as a way of thanking. But does numbers have any "feeling"?

If anything they're inflationary. 

Even if one give someone (amidst our relative wellness, condition and/or state) money. There is always chance for others to take things for granted. Even if "free money" ~ that is supposed to help.


Biological Experience + Instrumental Rewards = True Gratitude.

This is somewhat followed from the above, that which arithmetics are mere conveniences.

Ideally, ech and every moment of thanks-giving should impose (firstly) a Biological expression, then outwardly thereonwards a sociological reciprocation.

  1. "I am validated biologically"; be it through body language, gestures, handshakes, hugs, pats on the back. For what I have done as servitude has indeed been organically interpreted as "enough".
  2. "...Before then I am rewarded instrumentally". Be it through monetary wages, income, tangible materials & resources needed for that one day I may be able to reciprocate this experience onto others.

The problem with simply giving away "Likes" is that such gratuity model is "empty". Or at best ~ an incomplete, unwarranted expression.

Once again if in the scenario of us helping a beggar then this isn't much a consequence, they'd receive anything. But giving something away to someone relative to our way of life or ability ~ even if it's unconditional ~ prompts more question.

After all "What" do people thank one another "for"? We don't thank one another for "nothing". There must be something valuable. "What" that is ~ is likely absorbed, and/or felt.

What do all these share in common? They are all biological. Something or some(one) can relate to.

If anyone can hopefully learn one thing, or at least "admit" from all this seemingly useless or verbose concept ~ is that "gratitude" is both earned and felt. Out of experiences and/or accounts all of which strongly confounded by biology alone ~ makes one all the more ready to contend, to analyse and to reflect with the world around them that much more conscientiously, without discounting anything.

Seth Macey @ Unsplash


"Pay-it" forward is nebulous signal. If not ~ manipulative. It only reciprocates materialistic gratitude that is half-full; that eventually lends itself to more crisis of acknowledgment. That is - not acknowledging the other's shoes akin to concluding "pay it forward. Somehow, I don't know, you should know better.".

The more we rely on convenient arithmetics to uplift another spirits ~ then only time will tell whether our actions and intent is ever translated meaningfully and as intently mutual to the receiving hands (in this case ears).

Opinions and judgments after all, are free.

Experiences and circumstances on the other hand? Priceless.




Comment your thoughts below of this concept, I would love to hear it! 

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“Man is an animal that makes bargains: no other animal does this - no dog exchanges bones with another.”
~ Adam Smith
(1723 - 1790)