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Hal Gatewood @ Unsplash Having seen and convinced enough of it as a potential pandemic, then worryingly also by confusions imposed by the Government on its own citizens - I'd like to share a gathering of (strictly hypothetical) contingencies either hopefully or useful enough for those more versed to advance our understanding of viral and/or […]
Hal Gatewood @ Unsplash

Having seen and convinced enough of it as a potential pandemic, then worryingly also by confusions imposed by the Government on its own citizens - I'd like to share a gathering of (strictly hypothetical) contingencies either hopefully or useful enough for those more versed to advance our understanding of viral and/or disease prevention of the Corona Virus.
If by any chance someone does find these useful, then leaving a gratitude as a comment goes a long way. Especially for this Internet's least visited independent thoughts on wellness and nutritional science.

It bears worth repeating: nothing out of this article suggests as a "holy grail panacea for-all". Advanced Biochemistry or Virology are both topics likely beyond this concept initiative's grasp. But if in remote chances that micro nutritional interventions may offer indirect help - then one would more than gladly raise beyond just public fear mongering. That is, individual research to share pragmatic discussion for what we can do, beyond Governmental guidelines. -AW™

Overview and context.

I will not repeat what everyone else already said. Go here, for an overview on what Corona Virus is.
TLDR; a family of viruses. Close similarities in both symptoms and manifestation inbetween that of MERS (2012, Saudi Arabia) and SARS (2002, Hong Kong). Seven varieties so far are documented. The one given most attention is the seventh last variant - "Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCOV)". All of the seven coronavirus are often implicated towards lung injury and disease as categorised under the umbrella term "ARDS" or Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.
Perhaps the most noteworthy and "direct" update is from both localised source and experiences; such as this one.
Get the real time global "hot spots" mapping of the virus progression here.

If you are biochemist, geneticist, or virologist you might be interested in getting the genetic sequence of the virus here.

What can we do? Possible contingencies, thoughts & studies.

So.....enough with pessimism. As directly advised from the WHO, here are the following basic sociological and hygiene interventions:

  • "Frequently wash all hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or warm water and soap"
  • "Cover mouth and nose with a flexed elbow or tissue when sneezing or coughing"
  • "Avoid close contact with anyone who has a fever or cough"
  • "Seek early medical help if they have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, and share their travel history with healthcare providers"
  • "Avoid direct, unprotected contact with live animals and surfaces in contact with animals when visiting live markets in affected areas"
  • "Avoid eating raw or undercooked animal products and exercise care when handling raw meat, milk or animal organs to avoid cross-contamination with uncooked foods"

Yes, some of us are aware of conspiracy theories of all this as an inside job. A "leak" out of China's supposedly "only" one and largest virology plant of the country.
What is more important however, is that damage and/or infection is already done. Interventions somehow needs to be exercised in place. This article hopes to serve just exactly that, additional and hypothetical food for thoughts; from perspective of decentralised nutritional science.


(Very) High dose Vitamin C.

A case study here suggests that high dosage (200mg per body weight kg, as accordingly to the paper) of IV delivered Vitamin C seemed a potent treatment in an already viral state. For a 65kg person - that would translate to thirteen grams of Vitamin C. Consider that the official upper limit tolerance is considered to be at just 2 grams per day. 

"Infusing high dose intravenous vitamin C into this patient with virus-induced ARDS was associated with rapid resolution of lung injury with no evidence of post-ARDS fibroproliferative sequelae." Fowler, AA et al (2017).
"While many of Pauling’s “more is better” claims have not been supported by rigorous scientific investigation, a growing number of benefits of vitamin C administration have been identified for medical treatment, including in the field of critical care. " - Christoph S Nabzdyk and Edward A Bittner.
"The possibility that vitamin C affects severe viral respiratory tract infections would seem to warrant further study, especially in light of the recent SARS epidemic." - Harri Hemilä.

Cons: unless perhaps it's individually case by case basis, not all agrees with this sentiment. One (human) clinical trial study showed no benefit at high dosages on treating ARDS (the syndrome we're most concerned for). It is noteworthy that this is done by the same author/s who actually did find a benefit in the earlier case N=1 study; perhaps only now if studied on much more greater N=numbers the results then may have varied tremendously. Likewise even with Vitamin C's reputation for treating common colds or infections; double blind studies show no difference to placebo. However still, in the presence of a very diseased state, it may seem noteworthy to reconsider its role, or at least - reconsider its protocols via adjusting other confounders that may (or may not) affect Vitamin C utilisation.

"In this preliminary study of patients with sepsis and ARDS, a 96-hour infusion of vitamin C compared with placebo did not significantly improve organ dysfunction scores or alter markers of inflammation and vascular injury. Further research is needed to evaluate the potential role of vitamin C for other outcomes in sepsis and ARDS." - Fowler, AA. et al. (2019).


Using lysine, glycine and aspirin

This study showed that a trio of lysine, glycine and aspirin successfully inhibits viral replication. This is interesting to me, because the amino acid Arginine has been notoriously famed as the herpes viral aggregator. And it just so happens, lysine actually competes with Arginine for absorption and potentially lowers the vasodilating arginine. Dietary glycine is rich in (no surprise to pedestrian normalcy who hates organ meats) - gelatin (read my article on this), and bone broths.

"These results indicate that LASAG can eوٴectLvely reduce titres of HCoV-229E and MERS-CoV with similar SI values in Huh7 cells and, to a lesser extent, HCoV-229E titers in primary human PBMCs in a dose-dependent manner at non-toxic concentrations." - Müller, C. et al. 2016.


Raise copper mineral intake?

There appears to be strong evidence that copper mineral reduces further infection. Copper deficiency seems to be an emerging factor in ischemic heart disease. Dietary sources is rich in shellfish, oysters and livers.
Cons: raising any particular mineral intake as supra-physiological dosages, may throw off the body's homeostatic mineral balance. More over, it may conflict with uptake of (ironically) Vitamin C, Zinc and Iron. Supra dosing on Copper may seem a plausible intervention in severity/context as per to the above study; but further reading on this seems advisable.

"The rapid inactivation and irreversible destruction of the virus observed on copper and copper alloy surfaces suggests that the incorporation of copper alloy surfaces -- in conjunction with effective cleaning regimes and good clinical practice -- could help control transmission of these viruses." - Professor Bill Keevil, co-author and Chair in Environmental Healthcare at the University of Southampton,
"Presently it is not clear whether infectious conditions cause the TMA [Tissue Mineral Analysis] copper abnormalities, but it is strongly suspected that copper status can predispose an individual to either a viral or bacterial infection." - David L. Watts


LDN / Low Dose Naltrexone theraphy

LDN, for those who aren't aware, have been the lesser known potential wonder drug of the last 50 years; almost comparable to that of Aspirin. A whole host of things it promises - from treating fibromyalgia, depression, chronic pains, and so on. I myself have been prescribed once to it many many years ago due to persistent overall pains after being suspected of contracting Ankylosing Spondylitis. But ceased its use during my early experiences to the Standard Ketogenic interventions back in 2014.
A preview of textbook "The Promise of Low Dose Naltrexone" (page 104) shows some hints in use of LDN at reducing sepsis and also viral replication.
Cons: LDN is a prescription only medication and requires a compounding pharmacy to make it. For many years I've stopped LDN treatment I have not read back on it. However now it seems they are highly regulated. The chances for getting LDN here in Australia is perhaps unfortunately next to none. "buylowdosenaltrexone.com" is said to be "out of business". However for anyone willing to share or at least verify other sources (buyldn.com) please let others know in the comments below.

"Nicholas Plotnikoff explains that LDN's effects are primarily related to increased production of metenkephalins. He reports that antiviral properties of metenkephalin make it an effective therapy against herpes, HIV infection, cytomegalovirus, coronavirus, influenza A, and Japanese encephalitis." - Moore AE & Wilkins S. 2009.


Improve lung function. Avoid vegetable oil PUFAs. Vitamin E. Coq10.

The above may seem like "common sense" amidst non institutionalised readers. However it pays to read the details.
Starting with PUFA's suspicion on impairing lung function. Consider that there appears to be an official opinion that the Corona virus only activate once latches to its preferential tissue as the "docking site" - the lungs (8:15 onwards). Hence it may seem pragmatic to avoid foods that may exacerbate lung function. I wrote and speculate on this recently, in that some types of Vitamin E present vegetable oils - particularly the GAMMA tocopherol types may pose unfavourable effects in lung function.
Cons: what makes things very difficult - is that many vegetable oils contains mixtures of Alpha and Gamma derivatives. But the ratio over which is more than the other may yet be the deciding factor. For now, continuing on Vitamin E supplementation nevertheless (D-Alpha type) may seem pragmatic. Further also to abstain or at least reduce - soybean and/or corn oils which both are seemingly on the higher spectrum of Gamma tocopherols.
Another noteworthy supplementation is Coenzyme Q10 or COQ10. Coq10 has some evidence as anti-viral use in context of EMC or encephalomyocarditis which impairs lung function. EMC is partly similar to that of Coronavirus, and coincidentally - this study found that EMC viral infection rates is high amongst bats in East Asia. Does this ring a bell? That Corona Virus too; is frequently told in the news as "originated from" several bats species?

"The values expressed as mg/kg for alpha and gamma-tocopherol were, respectively, 120.3±4.2 and 122.0±7.9 in canola oil; 432.3±86.6 and 92.3±9.5 in sunflower oil; 173.0±82.3 and 259.7±43.8 in corn oil; 71.3±6.4 and 273.3±11.1 in soybean oil." . Grilo C, et al. 2014.
"We studied the effects of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) on mice with acute myocarditis inoculated with the encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus with the analysis of indices of effects of oxidative injury and DNA damage in the myocardium." - Kishimoto E, et al. 2003.


Betaine HCL, Pepsin / maintain optimal acidity.

The last is perhaps the most surprising, and it is one that I offer only as hypothetical pragmatism at an umbrella level. Irrespective if you are currently reading this somewhere on a hammock or at "home" - if you at least suspect that you are about to eat food, any food from questionable origin - then you'd be wise to avoid one state of digestion - Low stomach acids.
This may not be the cure. But it is the most logical first means of what to do. We often do not think about our first and foremost method of interaction to our environment. Whether we "breathe", "consume" or "touch". It is arguable that Consumption is the more important. We need efficacious digestion. The bulk of that duty stems from your stomach to not only digest proteins but also help minimise pathogenic bacteria at the very least - before everything reaches the small intestine.
Betaine HCL+Pepsin may not be needed in large regular quantities, however it does requires some precautions and further reading. It is perhaps not advisable to mix with aspirin at the same time. Natural alternatives include gentian herbs (bitter herbs), enzymatic spices such as gingers, apple cider vinegars and sauerkrauts. All are plausible means at "re-training" the stomach acidity.

"Bacterial infections which cause fever have frequently been associated with a marked reduction in acid secretion. Histamine fast achlorhydria was found in patients suffering from a variety of bacterial infections including typhoid, paratyphoid, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchopneumonia, and lung abscess." - C W HOWDEN AND RICHARD H HUNT .
"According to the Textbook of Functional Medicine, low stomach acid predisposes one to the growth of H. pylori and is also linked to SIBO and inadequate Vitamin B12 absorption. It’s also noted that low levels of vitamin C, and vitamin E in gastric fluids promote the growth of H. pylori. And while there aren’t decisive studies showing that H. pylori is the direct cause of heartburn and acid reflux, there is an implied association there." - Peter Bennett et al. 2010. Textbook of Functional Medicine 2010.
Michael Longmire @ Unsplash

Michael Longmire @ Unsplash

In light of all these contingencies...

As hopeful and optimistic as the above may seem, all the above may still remain entirely just that - limited. Obviously, the above six (6) are only preliminary findings from my end. Readers are certainly welcome to add more to this discussion via the comments below.
Regardless, the reason for writing this article is to contribute to this global discussion as pragmatic "food for thoughts". As hypothetical means to progress our understanding at implementing possible defense and/or precautionary nutritional measures.
No intervention is perhaps panacea for all. Including nutritional science. However at the very least, "food" is big enough of a confounder that it is the "reasons" or of "ration" - that compartmentalises much for what, who and why we are - the way we are.
Readers are free to call everything of the above as silly or nonsense. But I at least know one thing. It is never too late to be pragmatic and self-informed. After all, "forever is composed of nows." (Dickinson, E.).

Please share your comments and thoughts. These are dangerous times we live in. I dearly hope for others to highlight these information for what it is, and hopefully advance our greater understanding further.

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