Fasting. Authentication. Inquire. Repeat
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Following from part 1; hereby discussing the nuanced highlights of 2021.
DISCLAIMER As reminder  this concept initiative never propose anything it suggests as "panacea". Anything of "change" or "self intervention" imposes their own nuanced repercussions on all individual(s). Research and Tinker yourself critically.

The importance of potassium chloride: season is key.

I have discussed previously on several occassions that Potassium Chloride (KCL), much like Magnesium Chloride (MGCL) flakes even if both are food grade is quite uncomfortable on the gut on some occassions. Yet not in others.

I find that the largest confounding factor is the seasons. During winters, I am experiencing more gut concerns when using KCL with coffees and teas. However come by summers? Not so much.

Reasons remains sketchy, but the only thing I attribute is simply that of sweat losses during summers = mineral deficiency symptoms. There is only one human study that tracks K status on hot and cold conditions to find that sweat loss increase correlates with loss of overall K. Could this be that I have been overdosing K all along during winters that may predipose to gut disturbances? What is not fully explained is why - my prior MUFA heavy days on copious amount of food sources (not KCL supplementation) ¬ so far did not induce the same gut disturbance.

This finding is of course entirely anecdotal. I only speak for what is me for me. However the difference in comfort just by transitioning of seasons alone made all the difference.

About the new / alternative glucometer - Lifesmart® 2PLUS.

Glucose strips costs a lot of money. So I started looking for alternatives and Lifesmart® 2PLUS came into the picture. An added incentive here is the  HCT haematocrit readings with each glucose strip. Two tests in one strip, convenient.

Haematocrit readings generally aims to track overall RBC or red blood count levels, and consequently as indirect measure - Iron status. This also have interesting influence on glucose readings. General wisdom suggests that lower HCT readings may be an indirect cause for HIGHER glucose readings.

My fasted readings hover anywhere between (at its lowest) just under 30% to as high as just under 50%. Fed readings are interestingly more or less the same. Just for reference "normal" contexts : for men ~ 38.3 to 48.6 percent. For women, 35.5 to 44.9 percent.

Low HCT readings are generally taught to be caused by:

Whereas Very High HCT readings are generally taught to be caused by:

The above are only made to be surface findings so far. I am yet to gather more nuanced understanding how HCT impacts glucose metabolism.

Summers Vs Winters glucose readings.

For bit of context ~ general consensus suggest that lower readings correlate with summer weathers. However it still eludes me on why I am experiencing the opposite. I attribute and speculate this, despite being anecdotal - that I am experiencing towards faster as opposed to slower rate of gluconeogenesis during 19:5/20:4 LCIF weekdays. Reason for this could be as per only what I believe - as stress sources amount from all directions, not just just psychological, but also sociological and on top of that environmental ~ likely compels metabolic compensation demands in a faster rate.

Nevertheless my "opinion" on high vs low fasted readings throughout CKD+IF experiences remains non-binary, at this point. Considering as per last year I am convinced at times that "lower" usually do not always equate "better" fitness training resiliency, recoverability or mental state. 4 to 4.5 MMOL at least half hour before training seemed to be the most "reasonable" at maintaining able, rigorous productivity.

The less I bicker and let nature (and life) go by - the more I succumb to accept that irrespective high or low - what is more important is me still standing, breathing and alive despite all cumulative stress behind me day in day out.

Training frugal / less to no supplements. Sustainable?

Training frugal / less to no supplements. Sustainable? Worth trying. For once.

Training with (very minimal) ergogenics & supplementations.

I have just recently shared a separate write up on this and TLDR; I feel it is worth the experience.

 "Minimal" or "Frugal" as defined here is that I tried for month(s) getting by with less(er) amount of supplementation to nothing. Be it pre/intra workout purposes and/or during 20+hour breaking the fast moments.

I can summarise as this - this is both lesson and experience worth going through. But never in way I condone for very long term persistence.

I was at least surprised at times how I managed to get through it all day in day out. Considering the volume of training. Think upwards of 200+ repetition not just sissy weights. But RPE scale of 6 to 7 of ten. Time under tensions. 5x5, 6x6 to 8x8 limited rest regiments < 1 minute inbetween. Across up to twelve (12) exercises under two hours. Times that by four each week.

By no means however that simply "training with less input" will be a magical experience. It is simply self-authentication towards all the more honesty. Something must compensate. Thus it's a matter of "when", not "if".

Once again, I'd be interested if the above coincide to someone else's experiences. Leave your thoughts and/or comments down in the article.

Next in part 3/3...

My disclosure on the rebranding of this concept initiative how and where it is going. Sadly, much of course remains confidential.


- AW.

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~ Adam Smith
(1723 - 1790)