Fasting. Authentication. Inquire. Repeat
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My annual thoughts ends here. Budgeting, Resource Longevity Analysis, and...where to from here?
  • This feature writing is entirely off my own personal viewpoint, perspective and thought(s) and may, subject to varying context(s) - introduce its own terminology(s) and/or themes readers may not readily be familiar with. Hence timely readership is well appreciated. 
  • This is an archived post which may or may not have undergone further editing for readership accessibility. 
You are reading someone else’s in-depth account/s of nutritional & life intervention/s spanning across ONE YEAR; covering everything from nutrition, psychology, supplementation and fitness training. All intertwined into both socio-economical and self-scientific (explorative) perspective. This is NOT a light reading.


Other confounding factors for glucose readings. From Aspirin, SFA vs PUFA intakes scrutiny, potassium experiments, to K2.

Besides from maintaining adequate sleep, <1500 kcals, lower carbohydrate intakes on the Keto/LCIF days, here I am rounding up other possible confounding players which I suspect all helped at producing lower blood glucose reading trends; especially during fasting windows.

By no means these are "definitively" suggestive for all physiologies. Metabolism and sensitivity to various supplementation protocols will differs from one individual to the next. You MUST self-enquire at your own circumstances.

2019 Annual Food For Thoughts: Cyclical Keto+IF (3 /3)


Aspirin instead of chromium.

In my two years strong thus far of CKD+IF, I felt NO NEED for specific glucose lowering agents (chromium specifically) during the Keto/LCIF days. Because I do not think lowering it even further during IF regiments constitutes anything "better". Either psychological or metabolic outcomes.
Whilst I firmly believe Chromium supplements nonetheless have purpose for nutrient partitioning support. Esp. higher calorie meals in context of refeed days and meals, I have tried using Aspirin instead. Why? because it's the more affordable route. I'm referring to the cheap, one buck for 24x UNcoated aspirin.

I should note however, it would NOT BE GOOD IDEA to consume Aspirin in presence of Betaine HCLs prior to eating windows. As COMBINING both at the same time appears to have harmful effects on the stomach lining. On fasting hours, I do only take occasional (though not everyday) take tiny bites (think surface bites off the tablet) with my black coffee/s for their somewhat "calming" effect.

I was met with some interesting results. Fasted glucose readings seem just as close as if I'm using Chromium Pico or their GTF variant; prior to the carbohydrate refeed events. Although keeping in mind that I am also taking it in the middle / halfway of eating each feature meal, combined also with the needs for OTHER minerals. Particularly magnesiums and zincThe mechanism behind Aspirin's insulin sensitizing is of course, complicated. Alas, it is important to realise that not all studies agree on this (here and here).

Anyone who follows Dr. Ray Peat. nonetheless would find this unsurprising. Studies proclaiming Aspirin's insulin sensitizing effect seemingly requires HUGE DOSAGES. Think at least SIX HUMONGOUS GRAMS upwards. If that's not enough, this study actually uses ten (10) grams. The most intensive Aspirin intakes I have ever taken for one (1) day was around 1,5 grams  (equivalent to 4x uncoated tablets) split into 3 main dosages pre, mid training then before and within carb meals. My daily dosages of aspirin for all Keto/LCIF days however, usually are no more than two tablet total max. And almost all is used within the training window, unless if I do have (though very rare) occasional migraines, headaches later, etc.

Aspirin seems to have a somewhat "sedating" effect on me. Difficult to describe. There appears to be studies and good discussions proclaiming this same effect. But does this replace my beloved ALCAR? Absolutely not. I reserve these only to be best used during the lowest or bleak times, especially as a pre or intra workout.


(Unconfirmed but noteworthy) Hotter seasons = higher glucose readings. Winters = lower.

People may immediately dismiss me as smug or arrogance on this speculation. But I can only say at least, as per N=1, that assuming all nutritional timings, macros, and calorie intakes are maintained more or less the same from season to season - I am increasingly suspect that summers led to higher readings.

Of course at this stage remains only a speculation, but my convictions on seasonal changes alone hereby persists. Even despite I have maintained as best I can - amongst all other measures & micro interventions (which mostly favour on the LOWERING side) as shared here in this feature write up.

Studies on seasonal variability on diabetes remains at best, conflicted. One study looked at 60+ year olds mature patients, tracked over 3 years. Generally speaking in their statement - glucose levels were found higher during summers than winters. But looking at the graph closely by third year of testing you'll find a greyish conclusion - I could not discern any wild differences. On the contrary, One study in Japan on Type 1, 2 and non diabetics generally found that severe hypoglycemia reports is higher during summers for Type 1 diabetics. For Type 2 and non diabetics these seems to be inverted: Type 2 diabetics seemed more hypoglycemic during winters and autumns.

...And likewise for non-diabetics in that study but with more pronounced difference. Summer was considered to be the lowest hypoglycemic events in which the authors deemed as "statistically significant". It bears worth repeating also - that much of these studies still conform to pedestrian low-fat macros.


(Unconfirmed but noteworthy) Using cheap 7-stage filters instead of Gentoo fluoride filter.

This is unconfirmed, however so far as we recently are heading towards the warmer seasons here in West. Australia on Keto/LCIF - I am still experiencing that low mineral deficiency symptoms amidst all fasting windows. My prior and preferred Fluoride Filtered water did not really suffice at all in recorrecting the classic deficiency symptoms. Yet only the the cheap 7 stage water filter did. Although by no means this negate other needs for full spectrum of salts. From the pinks to ordinary rock salts.


(Unconfirmed but noteworthy) Cheap canola/sunflower spread PUFAs or the Sat Fats for lowered glucose readings?

For many years, I have speculated that types of fats do confound fasted glucose reading outcomes on Keto/LCIF days. Throughout years of journalling my suspicion FIRST led me to believe that it was Omega-6 PUFAs...but then the same convictions seemingly also derives from the SATURATED fat intakes. This is perplexing.

Throughout this year - having compared my prior intakes of MONOUNSATURATED (my EVOOs and natural peanut butters) I am now finding slightly higher fasted readings on MUFA intakes. Obviously a stark contrast given our present dogma.

Deciding which of the two (Sat Fats vs PUFAs) as primarily responsible to this glucose lowering trends seemed inconclusive, at least to me; as I find that exclusively either type appears to show THE SAME lower fasted glucose pattern trends. But it's strangely little higher on MUFAs.

My question (or perhaps speculation) is in regards to rate of glucose clearances. Are they affected between the two type of fats Omega-6s and Saturated Fats intakes during KETO/LCIF days? I am still not sure. One review paper seemingly suggests N6 PUFAs to be better at glucose clearance, but reading it further leads to many contrary study(s) suggesting no difference at all compared to SFAs. A recent 2018 meta thinks N6 PUFA is beneficial due to (one of alleged effects) of reduced liver fat accumulation.

Nonetheless, given sheer complexity of fatty acid interactions with other confounders - the much debated Randle Cycle, protein intakes, insulin-glucagon-ratios, etc all which I am yet to enlighten everything in concise perspectives - I believe it's important to periodise / cycle one type of fat intakes to another nevertheless.


Potassium - bicarbonates and chlorides.

My sentiments on potassium throughout this year have at times changed. To briefly reiterate, my staple potassium source - have always been Cream of Tartar aka. Potassium Bitartrate - mixed into my black coffees. However I now consider Bicarbonates and Chlorides to be partially essential. An important confounder to glucose control (next to magnesium and zinc), and supportive in context of high(er) protein intakes - both the Bicarbonates and Chlorides found in online stores today thankfully lasts for quite a long time. I have found that a tub of potassium chloride still stays plentiful, even after one+ year of purchase. Likewise with food grade potassium bicarbonate bought almost 1.5 years ago.

  • Chlorides to me - felt more appropriate towards a protein-focused ingestion event. I find that I require less and less(er) supplementation with Betaine HCL / Pepsins; although by no means they are no longer useless, they are still undeniably essential when it comes to partitioning and handling large mixed macro meals. 
  • Where as Bicarbonates - is best suited when there is little to no acidity ingestion event to anticipate; eg. during fasting / during inbetween meals. Sprinkling a little PBC in my drinking water, with himalayan salts and pinches of baking soda suffices for a good few hours. 

Note: by no means however that potassium needs to be the only priority mineral. As precaution to all - I'd advise not to overdose. Furthermore I would NEVER, EVER MIX bicarbonates, Chlorides AND with protein shakes and/or within food matter. As carbonates clashes with the acidity which under my convictions and experience - led to heartburn like symptoms post ingestion. Should this occur, de-stress everything, take magnesiums and zinc. Wait for at least until everything "settles" before resuming all feeding. 

2019 Annual Food For Thoughts: Cyclical Keto+IF (3 /3)

Budgetting - what I have learned & more.

I have tried living on a lower austere budget. From low $20 to then the rare replenishing $35 per week. Below is only a "starter" which obviously, requires a higher initial spending to begin with:

  1. just 1 carton of Eggs: $3
  2. 500g beef heart, livers or if I'm lucky - short dated chicken drumsticks : $3- $3.50
  3. 500ML EVOO: $4
  4. Standard 500g block cheddar: $4.80
  5. Short dated vegs: $2
  6. Yoghurt 1kg: $3.50 - $4
  7. 3L FC milk: $3.6
  8. 1kg Rice for refeeds: $1.4
  9. 900g oats for refeeds: $1.2
  10. 1kg flour for DIY breadmaking refeeds: $1

TOTAL: $28.5

...And then below is a sample variation. Assuming that some of the above items still remains available, and thus I'd always aim for a lower expenditure:

  1. Another eggs (short-dated if possible): $1.5-$3
  2. Short-dated whole chicken or 1kg beef mince short dated: $4-$5.50
  3. condiment(s) of choice new or shortdated: $1.5-$2
  4. Cream cheese for DIY whey cheesecake: $2.75
  5. 3L Light milk: 3.60
  6. 3x sardines: $1.95
  7. Rice based cereals for refeeds: $1.80
  8. Short dated vegs: $2

TOTAL: $22 to $24

2019 Annual Food For Thoughts: Cyclical Keto+IF (3 /3)

Early morning / late evening scout opportunities for shortdated products.

To meet the above austere possibilities, here are my own fair share of pragmatism. I recommend going through mornings (at 9AM) or late evenings (8:30PM-8:45PM before closing) at a local supermarket familiar household names (Coles® / Woolworths®). As detailed in my book; should anyone is lazy enough to not bother reading - I re-iterate:

(note that these are of course wildly variable from chain to chain, store to store):

  1. Woolworths appears to be better than all other supermarkets when it comes to shortdated products. Seemed to be readily available at stocking up bakery goods only at late evenings. (in my locality seems to be Wednesdays). If you are a carb munching lover, this may indeed be your chance. However, for breads, I think my $1 DIY breads suffices me on most occasions. On mornings however, it is meat produces. My experiences however suggested weekend mornings 9-9:30AM be the best opportunity when those stocks are adequately shelved and ready to be sold.
  2. Coles appears to be less desireable than woolworths in terms of overall frequencies of putting up short-dated products. Some stores do allocate ALL SHORT dated products (be it deli meats) on a trolley/rack at front of the store, but this is often only for very short exposure of time @ late evening(s) via public announcement.  Short dated meat products are sadly seldom. However, some very desireable specials, such as peanut butters, and short dated milks, and pure creams MAY be found (though of course inconsistent) on Saturday weekend afternoons.  Other mandatory criticals such as short-dated coffees and teas may also be found here though seldom.  

For all others, please read the book.

If you do eat a lot of fruit, stick to independent grocers and look thru their plastic wrapped / batched clearances or short-dated sections. Deviations of glucose responses between ripe/vs/unripe fruits does not seem that big of a deal. But anyone who desires bitter, starchy, or unripe bananas for extra refeeding calories?.... I am yet to understand their motive other than self-masochism.

I want to first and foremost stresses one thing, nevertheless. 

Try to keep a straight face. Try to look unassuming.

Why is this? Whenever people sees you in any repetitive event or occurence, you are more likely to be discreetly assumed. I was once asked by a young gentleman if I were looking for a fresher batch as I browse the frozen mince aisle on Saturday AM, and regretted that moment ever since as I disclosed my honesty. He obliged my needs for a short-dated price, though I vow never to ask again.

Although at the same time here is the dilemma; "if you don't ask, you don't learn". It still somewhat pays to ask for you to acquaint to each store's layout to memory. Different stores/branches have wildly differing policies at stockpiling short-dated clearances. But nonetheless it'd be wise to adopt an ask-once-and-no-more-stance; by replying "Thank you, no more questions.". This reinforces and instils them some peace of mind that you have absorbed your own guilt exposition.

(Sample) Longevity Analysis.

Now then, how long do these supplies actually last? My impressions on various goods throughout this year (2019) are more or less very similar to the previous.

  1. 12x 600/700g Eggs: 2.25 used per day (if also counted towards the making of whey cheesecake as dessert) on average amongst Keto+IF days. Up to 4.5 days of longevity per carton of 12. However, this year (2019) have seen me particularly during winters - were on eggs scarcity; leading me to have one carton of 12 to stretch for as long as TWO WEEKS of overall use. It was certainly tough, but can be done. This season (usually between autumns and worst in winter) are usually when eggs are skyhigh priced to anywhere between $3 to $4 per 12x carton.
  2. 500ml EVOO: 15ML to 20ML per day used = 29 serves average. Theoretically, up to 29 days of longevity.
  3. 250g cream cheese: 50% used per week's batch of whey cheesecake (see recipe V2). Hence 2 weeks of longevity.
  4. Greek Yoghurt 1kg: from 250g (during Keto/LC+IF) for whey cheesecake + sporadic use / or whey gelatin dessert recipe, to 250g (each day during 2x refeed days) = approx 500g-600g per week. On average up to 12 days of longevity.
  5. Condiments (various).
    • Mayonnaise: $2 250g pesto mayo (ALDI® Colway brand for example) =15-20g each per day. Up to 12 days of longevity.
    • Mixed herbs: $1.60 for 25g. 3 grams each used per day. Up to 8 days of longevity.
  6. The cheese: variable longevity.
    • For the expensive gouda = $4 for 200g at 40g each serve during Keto+IF = 5 serves, hence, 5 days of longevity.
    • Or - For ordinary cheddar = $4.5 for 500g at 45g each serve during Keto+IF = 11 serves. Hence, 11 days of longevity.
  7. 3L Full cream milk: anywhere between 250ML to 300ml per day of use of Keto+IF (dilute with extra water, I no longer combine with xanthan gum), and from 600 to 800ml used during each refeed day. = At best < a week. Throughout this year (2019), there are many instances of Keto/LC+IF days whereby I had to forego milk consumption altogether which constitutes to overall net carb intake <20g per day; whilst still maintaining 20:4 IF  format. 
  8. Variable condiments -> variable longevity.
    1. Soy / fish sauce: anywhere between 4 to 6 weeks, depending on your frequency of marination.
    2. Mayonnaise / aiolis: between 3 to 4 weeks, depending on other fats availability (the less fats available, the more likely you will use condiments).
  9. Variable meats -> variable longevity.
    • 1kg chicken necks: for this year of 2019; I'm using anywhere between 50g (lowend) to higher handful (100g) in conjunction to other main meat proteins. Hence about 10 meals worth and up to 8 to 9 and half days of use.
    • Raw weight 500g beef mince typically yields 425g usable cooked amount. Servings wise - 50g on the low end (combined with other sources such as organ meats), or 150g on the high end. Hence, on average 4 usable serves across 3.5 to four days longevity on average.
    • Entire chicken at $6 (best price I found was $3 though a rare find amongst Asian delis') typically yields up to seven (7) usable serves cooked amount. Hence 7 days of longevity.
    • 1kg of chicken drumsticks at $4 or if I'm lucky $3.50 for short dated - yields 4.5 cooked serves. About 4.5 days of longevity.
    • 500g livers (either beef, lamb or chickens) - yields around 450g of usable cooked amount. 100g each serve, about 4.5 days of longevity. However due to its insanely high Vitamin A I eat it no more than three times per week,hence longevity may vary on up to 10 days of use.
    • 500g of ox hearts - yields more or less the same usage and longevity as beef minces.
  10. Vegetables: various longevity.
    • 1kg carrots: 50g to 75g serve (grated / processed with mini chopper) per day = 17 serves. Hence 17 days of longevity.
    • 1 bundle of kale (short dated) between 400 to 500g. 100g (raw uncooked weight amount) as average use per day =  4 to 5 serves. Hence 4 to 5 days of longevity.
    • 1 kilogram of pumpkins. Between 50 to 80g of (uncooked weight amount used) per day = 14 to 15 serves. Up to two weeks of longevity, if also turned into DIY pumpkin purees.
    • 1 entire head of cauliflower (approx 1.5 kilogram). Between 100g to 150g (uncooked weight amount used) per day = ten serves. Up to ten days of longevity.

Carb sources during 48 hour or 2.5 day refeeds

  1. 1kg rice: approx 110g used (dry weight used) per refeed meal. Hence, for up to theoritecally five weeks but only provided if only 2 serves are used accross two days only. On HC+IF? Obviously much shorter to around 8-10 days.
  2. 1kg flour: approx 130g used each batch of DIY bread recipes into two serves. up to 6-7 batches.  Up to 7 days depending on other carbohydrate rotation preferences.
  3. 400g Rice based cereals: 140g (dry weight) per day used. Hence, for up to 3 refeed days.
  4. Potatoes: up to a month, I find that that on $25-$28 weekly austerity budgets it was evident that I had to forego my other means of carbs - be it rice and /or even pastas. 
  5. 900g Oats: 100g (dry weight) used per day. Up to 9 days.
  6. 500g pastas: 100g used (dry weight) per day of refeed meal. Hence up to 5 days.
  7. (Very few opportunities) 2Litre Low fat ice creams / neapolitan flavour: 350ML used per day of refeed. Hence up to 5.7 days

2019 Annual Food For Thoughts: Cyclical Keto+IF (3 /3)

SKD, CKD then Intermittent Fasting. Where to from here?

Despite four turbulent, lonesome years since this concept initiative's inception, I still have much to learn. Certainly if there is one nutritional unorthodoxy high in my curiosity list for many, many years - that would be Dr. Raymond Peat. Of course, if I were to share with him all that I uphold; including my stances in nutrition especially within CKD+IF - I'd likely be among the most failed and disobedient of all apprentices.

I still however, at my current structural imposition however deplorable it is - to likely nevertheless maintain some avenues of Intermittent Fasting. I do not hate it nor do I "love" it. But I resort to it autonomously.

We can align ourselves with "anything" to fill our lives meaningfully beyond empty "space". But what happens afterwards? Everything goes back to fasting. Everything we fill that empty "space" - remains subjected at the mercy of  "time". There is nothing  "confusing" about intermittent fasting. It is both diagnostic and reconciling of all matters of concerns. All we use is "time" - as the one and only last confounder to anything we do.

2019 has been enlightening, yet clear struggle. Living close to two and half years involuntarily below poverty income; is punishingly enough as is.

Income governs outcome. Yes, it is an extremely harsh world. One I'd never see a day gone by without felt scrutiny, and the silent apathy. Still yet lingers as my voice remains unheard to this day of me withstanding six years of effort; from the absolute nil.

The thought that this blog only receives one (1) public comment speaks volumes for either one of two causalities.

Either I am stupidly clueless. Or that I am (evidently) - a walking mosaic of constant misfortunes.



And so it ends my annual food for thoughts of 2019. Please leave your comments below.

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~ Adam Smith
(1723 - 1790)