You are reading someone else’s in-depth account/s upon nutritional & life intervention/s spanning across ONE YEAR. This is not a light reading. Don’t like it? Then go somewhere else.
My implementation of fruits and fibre intakes are heavily periodised between few, lots and (gasp!) occasionally little. Generally, I find that the more fibre intake I consume during refeed days - the more sluggish I feel come Monday mornings and all the way to the afternoons. This I find seems more pronounced during warmer climates.
This also somewhat resonates with fruits / fructose intakes. There are days I felt convinced as simple as eating an apple on Saturday my joints felt immediately relieved after Friday's delirious squat session. Other days? Felt just so-so. Then there's the bloatedness. On some Mondays I could've sworn I'm a walking water tank sludge. Other days - not so much.
Dan Duchaine; as what he wrote in BODYOPUS strongly believes the human liver can only accomodate 30 grams worth of fructose. Consider that a small pink lady apple (approx 80g) already constitutes as much as 9.5 grams of fructose. Does this mean we should all abstain from fruits on refeeds? I don't think there is a universally "tough" or "reliable" enough answer.
Our current institutionalised perception of "Fibre" as I have written in my book; is unfortunately in my opinion (and thus far physiological + metabolic interpretations) - a bandwagon-biased, red-herring.
For obvious space reasons, I will not debate my thoughts on it. There are convincing arguments for and against their relevance to human nutrition. If somewhat the opposing former offered somewhat interesting yet dare I say it - compelling argument.
My experiences with HIGH vs LOW fibre intake during refeeds and SKD days are interestingly met with both pros and cons. Do I consider Fibre a "nutrient"? No. Do I consider it a "supplement" then to any existing human diet? Yes but not life-saving to the point of Gospel ~ "essential".
Here are my sample "repercussions" having religiously following to conventional dogma of "Fibre is good". From very bad flatulence/gas (lingering for days on end even after up to three days of SKD <35g of carbs reentry). To (surprise!) quite bad constipation, to mind-numbness / tiredness, sluggishness. And get this....mineral depletion symptoms (to think that my second year of Keto I'd be immune...). Particularly if I were to implement psyllium husks; I feel more as though as something is just "sitting" there.
Does this mean I rule all fibre out completely? Absolutely not. I feel that current findings surrounding their role on short-chain-fatty acids nevertheless are still conducive to colon health. But in what optimal amounts? This likely remains to be a difficult, ensuing task.
In my "opinion", both yes and no.
Only a few days? Forget it. A mere week? Not enough. A month? Arguably not enough. Or Several months? Now we're getting somewhere.
As much as Ketogenic intervention is now widely recognised (though sadly not yet in my most isolated city of the world) - they are nevertheless NOT lightly recreational. Nor are they a whimsical curiosity once-in-a-while moments and back out again. One week of SKD is NOT enough for you to fully understand every implications of changing a dietary regiment (ANY regiment) upon your daily living implications. It would ideally be at least two months combined with resistance training; which I will explain more below as my next following question down below.
If you have not fully understood every effects of low (<100), very low (<75 to <50) or theraupeutically Ketogenic (<25) carbohydrate grammage restrictions per day for less than a month straight. Then I am afraid that CKD is UNLIKELY yet to be a solution for you.
The reason being for this (seemingly forever) long timeframe is important because of you are strongly encouraged to self-enforce your own understanding of the above effects; should they arise. What to do if you have chest tightness, cramps, muscle tightness, lightheadedness? Magnesium citrates, Zinc and/or (start at a tiny level) of potassium / cream of tartare in your Apple Cider Vinegar drink. What to do if you feel bloated after meals? Consider digestive enzymes / betaine HCLs + Pepsin; this in my opinion is conducive to all digestive functions anyway irrespective of dietary regiments.
This period therefore; consisting of weeks, or even month/s - are a series of constant revisions and re-evaluations for transitioning yourself. To change your perception of food to all aspects of everyday living.
Regular exercise or training is conducive to overall health regardless whether Ketogenic or non-ketogenic dietary subscription.
Cycling in between heavy carbohydrates to fat mobilisations period/s when it is done self-sensibly right upon the individual's physiological and metabolic intuitions - will likely becomes an inevitable, intermittent necessity. Especially given if the trainees are already somewhat inherently lean.
For those who are entirely new to weight training - I'd most likely advise not even contemplating immediately towards commencing any Ketogenic interventions at all.
This article has no space for a counselling session. But I'd implore the ultimate goal here - is for you to understand yourself first. Your early potentials first - over how you handle and tolerate carbohydrates in general throughout your day to day regiment in conjunction to your training and exercise lifestyle...And obviously a journalling on how your body composition reacts to all of this. Track your food/resource/calorie consumption. How much food you've purchased. What training intensity and/or lengths you can handle from day one to the next.
Next, be wary of institutionalised weight training paradigms of lifting "heavy". Challenge yourself however you must. But do whatever exercises in however amounts just necessary to achieve efforts that you are happy, PRODUCTIVE (most important) and sensibly - safe from one day to the next. TLDR: productivity. Not intensity.
Every "diet" is both sufficient AND deficient. My argument that Ketogenic is hardly recreational can seem rather fervent and intense. But I am simply reconciling what reality and survival feels like. Scarcity is imminent. If you cannot handle all of this, Ketogenic intervention is NOT FOR YOU.
I've said this before and I will say this again. The word "healthy" is infinitely idealistic, misintepretively unicornian and institutionalised - bullsh*t.
Everything of life will invariably at some stage be met with eventual leverage scarcities. Supplementations - help supplement our needs against these scarcities by providing a temporary cover for ongoing deficiencies and uncertainties.
This Is™ Humility - Whey Cheesecake
If yes, then CKD may NOT be the best "permanent" solution. Think of it as a ritual to augment your metabolic, hormonal and cognitive - discipline/s. You are teaching your body how to survive and how to react - in times of scarcity and abundance.
Assuming if you are really (already) lean and in that you are aiming to gain overall weight or "mass" - in many ways for practicality, and speaking based on my experience - I’d say cyclical ketogenic IS NOT suitable enough for this goal.
I in many ways concur with Lyle Mcdonald’s thoughts as per his first written book "The Ketogenic Diet"; that not even CKD as an overall program or strategy might be enough to raise sufficient calorie intakes for optimal weight gain. I will also to add to that from a digestive practical context that it is very difficult from my experience to eat on a surplus. WITHOUT considering additional digestive support, particularly Betaine HCL + Pepsins.
Not to mention also, financial context for you to inevitably supplement with much more needed - digestive enzymes. Obviously also, more costings for acquiring more food. Snacking on almonds, macadamia nuts and brie cheese forcibly asks you to churning out at least $70 per week.
I can speculate however that those insisting nonetheless MAY achieve this by raising protein intakes. Periodizations low and high intakes likely become necessary as you assess body composition week to week. As well as how you feel - Digestion wise.
I'd wager, that in the long run your "mass-gain standard keto program" will falter as energy balance / expenditure laws will take over. Even if you DO NOT exercise on top, you will feel increasingly hesitant to eat your next normal feature meal or may even feel extremely agitated. Fidgety or even restless.
Is a Ketogenic intervention cheaper or more expensive than a low-fat regiment? This is a tough one.If you love lavishly written $50-list-ingredients per "RECIPE" food-porn-fetishes, then absolutely yes - you will only swallow your wallet faster than actually chewing your own food.
One critical proxy (as well as catalyst) that always remained towards any positivity outcomes of sustenance, fitness or wellness - is money. I am a living proof of sustaining just above a poverty line.
And I managed to do it all within SKD Ketogenic parameters as well as leaving carbohydrate supplies for all 48 hour refeeds ably saved for multiple weekends. $50 (or if I'm REALLY rich - $60) per week to me is what I consider lavish. $30 is my absolute pauper minimum. $40 is my pragmatic but still struggling - average.
A shot above shows you an exact total overall weekly purchase made on December 14th, 2017; across FIVE (5) shop outlets, out from just under $40 CKD budget. Within about two and half hours worth of work. Specifically within the day (14th December 2017) and timeframe of this image/photographic shoot I am still going through and rely upon last week's residual <$40 resources and supplies such as:
Consider this - an average Australian wastes/discards ONE (1) in every five (5) food grocery bags bought in any given moment of purchase. That could be every day. Three days. Or even several hours; at a time. ....Yet we hear Joes and Janes complaining about they can't eat "well". For goodness F*ck.
Yes, I have my bad days.
What are my thoughts so far on meal prepping on LCHF / Keto? I would say it's still a 50/50 even pros and cons when it comes prepping each and every meal/s be it on-demand as well as preparatory regiments.
The bulk of all my meal preparation gravitated towards LESS panfrying galore in the kitchen. Whilst I still somewhat rely on my $80+ stainless steel to fry beef minces (which I then also drain its' excess poly unsat fats with boiling water); MORE OFTEN THAN NOT - I have been reliant on using the OVEN more instead. That includes baking/cooking organ meats, chicken breasts / lean meats, manual-filleted tilapias, pea / whey protein slices / bulk breakfast linseed + (periodical) pysllium breads.
Nonetheless, on any given day, there must be an allocated time for one to embrace serene solitary moment; away from any source of environmental distractions related with food preparation. That includes the kitchen, the utensils and the (excessive) smoke from cooking too much steaks for days on end. Try sleeping when your entire room is covered / odoured with vapours of panfried oils for DAYS to come.
There is much further things for me to learn.
But one thing remains as certain. "Do what works for you" mantra still, it seems - remain as the pragmatic take home message in all of this. If the conservative method does not seem or feel intuitive to you, then by all means - CKD as a dietary protocol remains open for individualised scrutiny, readjustments and reevaluations - overtime.
I am yet to practise other forms of whollistic interventions, such one being under my radar of curiosity for many months since the writing of Version 1.4 of my manuscript to today - is Intermittent Fasting. I have a hunch this will proves some metabolic relevance as uncertainties for attaining enough financial means becomes increasingly limited.
At the very least, CKD taught me an experience. A cyclical preferential shift of no bias towards "food". It taught me how to strategise them into my cyclical contexts of needs and wants.